I know they're on recall because some have fallen apart. But what's the fault causing them to fall apart? -- Nidge ZX6R J2 Stunning in zit yellow. KX 125 MX 'I'm snot green -fly ME'. A few bits of CB500S in Norwegian Parrot blue. BOTAFOT#63 'Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand'. Homer (Simpson).
Pip says... IIRC BMW did have a problem with alloy wheels cracking on one of the boxer models a few years back. I'm sure they issued an official recall on them.
Pip wrote I don't get this. Here we are well into in the third millennium and so called high profile manufacturers are continuing to turn out things like dodgy castings on our toys. How the **** do they do it and more to the point how the **** do they have the fucking gall to pretend that some kin half baked non admission to bunch of plagiarising piss heads with poor social and even poorer language skills who constitute the so called fucking independent press and a minor defect recall constitutes a proper fucking apology to us? Now don't get me wrong, I know there is a chance that it will mean a broken kwaka rider here and there but who gives a toss about that. What pisses me off is that it is a major corporation who wants our loyalty, both as customers and shareholders, in the future and is not prepared to pay for it with half decent quality control and proper pre production testing. Fucking accountants running the business again innit. What is it with these people? Just because they can do fucking sums they get to claim rights to financial management and we fucking let them. It is just plain kin stupid. Well bollocks to you Mr Kawasaki and all yer fucking pencil toting poofy mates who claim they can turn on a calculator. Can they put a price on public perception for you? As far as I am concerned you can take yer manufacturer pre-broken ZX10Rs, yer perfect balance sheets and business plans and stick them right up your fixed asset register. You won't find me in the shops looking to buy the falling apart as it comes out of the box shite you are making today. Although something like this: http://tinyurl.com/4yeen, if it were in the one true colour, could be very tempting.
Cybernaut wrote Whilst the least you could do is read the ffaq before posting to a news group. Now **** off and do it and when done come back and explain in a proper fashion what you mean.
What toys do you think I'm referring to? Hang on a minute, I see your point. I could mean your toys, as they appear to be broken since you threw them from your pram. Just **** off and save your bile for someone who give a shit what you think.
Cybernaut wrote You haven't done it yet have you? The fucking off and reading the ffaq bit I mean. I can tell you know. Do it eh. Do it now. Right now, go on, **** off and read the ffaq. It is that or The Popcorn. Your choice.
Sort your postings, mate. We all post at the bottom here and it would be good if you would conform. All the info you need is in the uk.r.m. FAQ, which I'm sure you can find. Or you can just **** off - your call.
It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember "Cybernaut" LOL! You clueless fuckwit. -- Dave GS 850 x2 / SE 6a SbS#6 DIAABTCOD#16 APOSTLE#6 FUB#3 FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
Cybernaut secured a place in history by writing: Everyone in here gives a shit what Auvache thinks....not because he is Auvache, but because he thinks right. You, on the other hand, are behaving like a newby cnut and will get treated like one until you read the FFAQ. Now **** off, and don't come back until you've done as requested.
Ferger wrote Do they? Oo-err. That is it, I am getting me prescription changed. Thinking right indeed!! I ain't having none of that.
Pip wrote Give over. If I made a list of every i bike I desire I would have a sig longer than the troll Leyland.