Zigzagging: Most Dangerous Driving

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by donquijote1954, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. donquijote1954

    Rich B Guest

    As they say, 4WD lets you get further before you get stuck.
    Rich B, Aug 7, 2007
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  2. The solution is simple: Don't front gate.
    Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hect, Aug 8, 2007
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  3. Based on the content of the post, I'm thinking the original poster is
    referring to a "liquorcycle" and not a motorcycle.
    Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hect, Aug 8, 2007
  4. How often does that happen?
    Keep thinking that, while they're scraping you off the road with a
    spoon. lmao.
    Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hect, Aug 8, 2007
  5. donquijote1954

    BrianNZ Guest

    All the time when you ride a motorcycle........

    Don't think you can't end up as spagetti & meatballs inside your
    crumpled cage, where 'the jaws of life' will only be used to retrieve
    the dead..........
    BrianNZ, Aug 8, 2007
  6. donquijote1954

    DanKMTB Guest

    Police motorcycles tend to be about as wide as old VW rabbits, and
    about as nimble as as Suburbans. Even with Johnny wishiwereacop Hero
    throwing open his door or pulling into the breakdown lane to block
    you, it's very rare a police bike will catch anyone who knows how to
    ride and wants to get away. If the guy running is on a decent
    performance bike and knows how to ride, it's not even going to be a
    DanKMTB, Aug 8, 2007
  7. donquijote1954

    speedyspic Guest

    Maybe you should be telling this to all those cunts who drive artics
    for miles in the middle lane.
    speedyspic, Aug 8, 2007
  8. donquijote1954

    speedyspic Guest

    ^^^^ ^^^^^^^

    Oxymoron alert
    speedyspic, Aug 8, 2007
  9. donquijote1954

    Pip Guest

    Conor, for example?
    Pip, Aug 8, 2007
  10. donquijote1954

    J. Clarke Guest

    Write a legal definition of "truck" so that it can be determined who has
    to have such a license (can't be "everybody knows what a truck is", it
    has to be one that a lawyer can't argue away in court) and figure out
    what training should be required and come up with a convincing argument
    why that particular training would improve safety then suggest it to
    your Congresscritter and you may be surprised at what happens. SUVs are
    basically a way of working around the CAFE tax and if that could be
    closed wihout seeming to be an SUV ban until after it was in place the
    Congresscritters might be all over it.

    As for banning cell phones, that's not going to happen. That genii is
    well and truly out of the bottle and any Congress than successfully
    enacted legislation prohibiting their sale and possession would be out
    of office at the next election.

    As for bans on using them while driving, such bans are essentially
    unenforceable--yeah, a cop can bust somebody if he catches them in the
    act, but cops can't be everywhere all the time and most people who use
    them while driving don't use them all the time, so the likelihood of
    actually getting caught is too low to serve as a deterrent.

    Personally though I've never noticed SUVs "zigzagging around all over
    the place playing a game of Russian Roulette". The big problem I have
    with them is that SUV drivers seem to be unwilling to just PASS THE
    EFFING TRUCK. They'll pull up behind an 18-wheeler, take ten minutes to
    slowly creep by it, and having passed it then take off at 90 mph. And
    meanwhile I'm sitting there in the buffet zone waiting for this circus
    to end so I can get by the blasted thing.
    J. Clarke, Aug 8, 2007
  11. donquijote1954

    J. Clarke Guest

    Until the _other_ cop in the cruiser ten cars up in the line doors him.
    J. Clarke, Aug 8, 2007
  12. donquijote1954

    Pip Guest

    Right up to the next cloverleaf, where Jim-Bob the keen Deputy is
    waiting to ram the biker off - and miss, killing other car drivers in
    the process ... and blaming the biker for dodging.

    That's how it works in the States, right?
    Pip, Aug 8, 2007
  13. donquijote1954

    Pip Guest

    Moron not using a fixed pitch, is it?

    Try this:
    ^1^ ^2 ^3^ ^4^

    1. Illiterate moron alert

    2. Kiddie moron alert

    3. Non-riding moron alert.

    4. Gurlie moron alert.
    Pip, Aug 8, 2007
  14. donquijote1954

    muddy cat Guest

    You forgot the crashing helos.
    muddy cat, Aug 8, 2007
  15. donquijote1954

    speedyspic Guest

    Google groups moron, if you must.
    speedyspic, Aug 8, 2007
  16. donquijote1954

    DanKMTB Guest

    I'm sure it happens like that sometimes, but it's certainly not the
    norm from what I've seen. I'm not saying the bikes are in the right,
    or that I do it, but I've spent a bit of time in traffic and seen
    quite a few bikes take off on Johnny Law in this circumstance. I've
    never seen one caught, and I've never seen one get doored (though I
    have seen people try),

    I've also seen police motorcycles totally unable to get out of
    gridlock traffic, using lights and sirens and still taking forever to
    get to the break down lane. In that time the guy on the bike, on the
    very edge of the break down lane, out of reach of doors from lane 1,
    has taken off never to be seen again.

    The best is the dual sport guys who just get into the grass plenty far
    from traffic and cruise along. Makes me want a dual-sport every time.
    DanKMTB, Aug 8, 2007
  17. donquijote1954

    J. Clarke Guest

    If that's where he's riding then he's not lane splitting.

    But I have seen a couple of 18 wheelers pull off staggered onto the
    breakdown lane specifically to block such antics. And yeah, I know for
    sure that that's what they were doing--they discussed it on the CB first
    to decide which two in a long line of them were going to do it.
    Don't pull that on this guy

    Then there's the bear in the air.

    Running from the one cop in a one-cop town you might get away with.
    Don't try it against a major metropolitan police department.
    J. Clarke, Aug 8, 2007
  18. Trucks are usually as good/bad as their drivers, so yes, there's a
    quite a bit of stupid trucks out there.
    donquijote1954, Aug 8, 2007
  19. The one that says, "Four legs good, two legs baaaaad"...

    We --me plus my dog and cat-- have been studying the lessons in Animal
    Farm, and have come up with another type of revolution where the
    little animals are not betrayed. The pigs are not necessary at all
    (and my pets will be in the Central Committee)...

    "Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip, but the really
    well-trained dog is the one that turns his somersault when there is no
    whip" -George Orwell

    I guess that could be applied to many who do the tricks even though
    the master has stopped the punishment. The trait of a good lapdog.

    Anyway, let's go into Orwell's thoughts on the jungle...

    (Moral: The Big Fish eats the Little Fish. Well, unless the Little
    Fish get organized...)

    Forget about Marx, Lenin, Che or Mao. The next Revolution will be led
    by the sardines with no complicated theories and without any need for
    big fishes who betray the revolution.

    "If there was hope, it must lie in the SARDINES, because only there,
    in those swarming disregarded masses, eighty-five per cent of the
    population... could the force to destroy the SHARK ever be
    generated. ...the SARDINES, if only they could somehow become
    conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They
    needed only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off
    flies. If they chose they could blow the SHARK to pieces tomorrow
    morning." -George Orwell, "1984"

    Well, it's not literally what Orwell said (put the words PROLES and
    PARTY in it), but you get the point: THE SARDINES SURE CAN CHALLENGE

    "The hope lies in the proles," he said.
    donquijote1954, Aug 8, 2007
  20. Listen, I've stayed away from the booze for a long while. And I'm not
    even anonymous about it. I just grew bore with it. But at this rate of
    danger, I may have to join Scooter and Bicycle Anonymous. Too
    dangerous to your health!
    donquijote1954, Aug 8, 2007
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