YTC numbers

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sparkes, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. Sparkes

    Sparkes Guest

    Hey, don't stop there! it sounds even more eye watering than the rest
    Sparkes, Dec 20, 2003
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  2. Sparkes

    christofire Guest

    Ok then - how about this?
    There was this one time when I had two batteries in my pocket...
    christofire, Dec 20, 2003
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  3. *Whoosh*
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 20, 2003
  4. Sparkes

    Sparkes Guest

    Sparkes, Dec 20, 2003
  5. Sparkes

    deadmail Guest

    And you don't think others do?

    I don't buy this "modern parents are crap" thing. Trying to parent
    adequately (and failing) is the hardest thing I do.
    deadmail, Dec 20, 2003
  6. Sparkes

    deadmail Guest

    Chap I used to work with (ex RAF) had spent some years (in the mid 70s
    IIRC) working as an ex-pat in some African country with a lot of copper

    The locals would try to steal the wire from the electricity distribution
    grid; it was quite common to find them hanging from the posts fried to a
    crisp apparently.

    His wife had a car accident with the police when pissed (she, not the
    police...) Mike's response on getting to the police station was telling
    them when he got her home he would be giving her a sound thrashing, this
    seemed to satisfy the police who then dropped all charges... Sounded
    like he had a whale of a time out there (Botswana? Can't remember).
    deadmail, Dec 20, 2003
  7. Sparkes

    mb Guest

    Bwahahahahahaha. That's not funny ;-)
    mb, Dec 20, 2003
  8. Sparkes

    mb Guest

    Hmm, can't think of any meself. Just the usual skinned knuckles, also
    screwdriver in hand (but just the tip), oh and falling 5 metres off an oil
    rig into the dry dock and getting a *massive* body length bruise...
    mb, Dec 20, 2003
  9. Zambia, iirc, had the largest copper industry.



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Dec 20, 2003
  10. Sparkes

    deadmail Guest

    Yeah, that rings a bell.

    When they got independence aparently they put up a statue showing a
    Zambian (?) breaking shackles that were on his wrists; I guess symbolic
    of breaking the shackles of oppresion.

    One of the old white chaps apparently graffitied the statue's plinth
    with the legend "A munt can break anything"

    Note: "munt" was the pejorative term for the local population used by
    the white chaps who had been in charge.

    I'm not saying I approve of the graffiti, because I don't. I do,
    however find it amusing, in a similar way to the mdification of
    Churchill's statue during some pro-dole, anti-work riot or other.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  11. Sparkes

    ogden Guest

    Do you know what you're rofling at?
    ogden, Dec 21, 2003
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