Your very small horses, they belong to me!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gyp, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    Well, I popped down to Cheltenham Motorcycles open day to take advantage
    of their all day dyno extravaganza.

    I am proud to announce that the Harley recorded the highest power figure
    of the day so far! There are advantages to being the first bike on the

    Gyp, Sep 10, 2005
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  2. Gyp

    Muck Guest

    That's not too bad for a Harley though, is it? I've heard of some models
    being less than 30hp when on the dyno.
    Muck, Sep 10, 2005
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  3. Gyp

    WavyDavy Guest

    You should be pleased! It's more than Harley claim for their current

    WavyDavy, Sep 10, 2005
  4. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    Well, I'm led to believe that out of the crate 883s have been known to
    dyno as low as 27bhp though they typically are nearer 35bhp, and as mine
    started out as one of them I shouldn't be too upset.

    Then again, with the spec that I'm now running, the consensus in the
    American Harley web sites is that it should be about 80bhp. So on that
    basis I'm not quite as chuffed.

    Of course, if it did have 15-20 horses more than it does now then it
    would be fucking lethal.
    Gyp, Sep 10, 2005
  5. Gyp

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Is the chart "at the wheel" or have they compensated for transmission losses
    to show "at the crank".

    I know with car charts its usual to show "at the wheel" then a guesstimated
    calcualtion for the crank power.


    Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!"
    Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"
    Dr Zoidberg, Sep 10, 2005
  6. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    This was at the wheel rather than at the crank. Unfortunately due to the
    wondrous ignition leads I'm using they were unable to get an engine
    speed reading and hence unable to get a torque curve.

    They tried hard to console me that if they could have shown it the
    torque curve would have been massive but by then the damage had been
    done :-(
    Gyp, Sep 10, 2005
  7. Gyp

    sweller Guest

    sweller, Sep 10, 2005
  8. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    See, that's the mistake I made.

    I was tempted to either fit the louder exhausts and try the Harley again
    (probably to be disappointed again) or take the R80 down.

    As the weather was biblical I decided to do neither
    Gyp, Sep 11, 2005
  9. Gyp

    Gyp Guest


    I'd always hoped that my Sportster would be knocking on the door of your
    Buell's figures, especially as I don't think my spec is massively
    different to yours.

    Either the dynos are set very differently (unlikely), my carb is way off
    (don't think so), my ignition timing is way off (don't think so), they
    didn't take it right to 6,800 (can't tell [1]) or my engine is a slug
    (possibly, but it doesn't feel like it)

    [1] They couldn't get a spark "pulse" from my leads so the RPM is not
    recorded so I can't be sure. With the dyno runs being for charity, I
    didn't want to spend long arguing and analysing the results, especially
    as the bike had been released from the dyno before the results were
    handed to me.
    Gyp, Sep 11, 2005
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