Your ideal garage?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by John Munro, May 26, 2005.

  1. John Munro

    AndrewR Guest

    For some planned work on my first car I bought a valve spring compressor
    which has hung on the wall of my dad's garage, unopened, for somewhere in
    the region of 15 years.

    You may wish to LOL at the thought of me actually getting an engine apart to
    the point where I could use a valve spring compressor or, more likely, at
    the thought of me trying to get the engine back together again afterwards.

    TBH I don't even know _why_ you'd use a valve spring compressor ... well,
    other than to compress valve springs, obviously, I just don't have a clear
    idea as to why you'd want to do that.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1, Fiat Coupe 20v Turbo
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, DS#5, COSOC# Suspended, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, May 27, 2005
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  2. Given that I'm the same then - probably.

    Phil Launchbury, May 27, 2005
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  3. John Munro

    Guy King Guest

    The message <>
    I spent several hours trying to find someone with a VSC I could borrow
    to get the valves out of the wife's Clio. Then noticed the one I
    couldnt' find hanging on the wall in front of where the head sat on the
    Guy King, May 27, 2005
  4. John Munro

    AndrewR Guest

    Um .... yes. Me too.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1, Fiat Coupe 20v Turbo
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, DS#5, COSOC# Suspended, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, May 27, 2005
  5. John Munro

    Roger Hunt Guest

    Ah however ... the spindles can make a very handy drift.
    Roger Hunt, May 27, 2005
  6. John Munro

    Roger Hunt Guest

    If you have enough room to stretch at all, let alone luxuriously, you
    have a long way to go in the accumulated junk stakes. :)
    Roger Hunt, May 27, 2005
  7. A two-gallon bucket of assorted castors, not one of which has ever
    fitted anything to which I wanted to fit wheels.

    Most useless tool? Hard to say. Perhaps the pair of circlip pliers
    which turned out to be made of cheese and in any case it took longer
    to svaq them than to do the wbo with a pair of small screwdrivers.

    Just zis Guy, you know?, May 27, 2005
  8. John Munro

    Sena Guest

    Do you mind awfully if I don't? It's not really my 'thing'.
    Sena, May 27, 2005
  9. John Munro

    Sena Guest

    <Sticks up paw> Stretch? *Stretch*?? I can stretch on my
    bed. That's the one place I absolutely insist is kept free
    for stretching. Other than that there's scarcely room for a
    mouse to stretch, let alone the proverbial swinging cat. Hmm,
    now there's a thought. A swinging cat. No, I don't think I
    want to go there. As you were then.
    Sena, May 27, 2005
  10. John Munro

    Sena Guest

    I've got a camp bed with those pushem-in legs that go
    underneath like a three-sided not quite rectangle. Damned
    uncomfortable as a bed, but I've got plans for those legses -
    if I can find them...
    Sena, May 27, 2005
  11. John Munro

    Sena Guest

    Because they're too loose in their uncompressed state, having
    been used and therefore worn and have lost some of their
    springybackedness, of course.

    Sena, May 27, 2005
  12. John Munro

    Roger Hunt Guest

    Ah - now. I have some tent pegs here ..... somewhere ....
    Roger Hunt, May 27, 2005
  13. John Munro

    Roger Hunt Guest

    Have you too experienced the exquisite sensation of a reluctant cat
    planting every available claw in your scalp, and holding on?
    Roger Hunt, May 27, 2005
  14. John Munro

    Ron Clark Guest

    Apart from being totally unequipped, of course
    Ron Clark, May 27, 2005
  15. John Munro

    Sena Guest

    I used to regularly (partially) strip down the engine of my
    little scooterette (gawd, what ghastly names they give
    things!); the problem was putting it back together without
    having more things left over than there were things. Blimey,
    you know I'd forgotten I used to do things like that. I
    wouldn't know where to start, these days, let alone know how
    (or why) to put it all back together again. In fact, I can
    barely even picture the poor thing now apart from the rather
    naff little fairing. Hmm. Honda C50 and C90 I had. The
    'sit-up-and-beg' of motorcycles. Great for commuting into
    Nodnol though, and parking outside the orifice was free
    because bike parking was free. But - what on earth are
    collets? I don't unforget collets. Unless they were the
    little roundish longish things that used to fall on the ground
    and were in some way crucial to the running of the thing?
    'Ere, I've just realised - I've still got my original toolkit
    around somewhere. About as naff as they come and of no
    practical hfr whatsoever because the material it's molished of
    is barely up to t'wbo.
    Sena, May 27, 2005
  16. John Munro

    Guy King Guest

    The message <>
    I'm sure someone will have your share.
    Guy King, May 27, 2005
  17. John Munro

    Sena Guest

    Cheese? You've unforgetted me of the cheesewire I insisted on
    having, which whilst not a garage tool still counts as a
    useless tool. Instead of cutting cheese, the wire sat atop
    the stuff looking insolent and stretching itself. The more I
    pulled on the wire the more it stretched, until it didn't have
    to cut through the cheese to reach the worktop on the other
    Sena, May 27, 2005
  18. John Munro

    Sn!pe Guest

    Nice as it is to see the bikers on their annual charabanc tour, they
    can be just a bit free with their rufty-tufty, hairy-nefrq, leather-clad
    language, innit.
    Sn!pe, May 27, 2005
  19. John Munro

    Naqerj Guest

    Very similar to the bag of nails... except they were bolts about 1" long
    and 1/8" ('cept they're more likely to be 3zz) dia, round head. Tipped
    out of the bag, they filled three ice-cream tubs. I might have hfrq as
    many as three in the last 260 fortnights.

    Prolly just as useless is a nelectric air pump which delivers not much
    air at a very low pressure hfvat a noscillating cylinder (like a Mamod
    steam engine in reverse). Never found a hfr for it, but I've rejected
    it as my most useleaa item, 'cos it is decorative (FSVO...) and while
    it's ehaavat you can let your bog be mindled at how the eclectic motor
    bit can possible jbex. (It's just a metal disc that passes between the
    poles of a nelectric mangent.)
    Naqerj, May 27, 2005
  20. John Munro

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Plenty of practise being the usual keyword here...
    Timo Geusch, May 27, 2005
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