your ___All___ pathetic!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Peter Lucas, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. Peter Lucas

    Thomas Guest

    It helps to know a local. We have spare keys.
    Thomas, Nov 7, 2010
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  2. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    Makes more sense if it doesn't get mangled. Computer science is not included
    in that sentence. Dunno who you managed to get it in there.
    Works fine as it is, the two bits are quite clearly seperated.
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
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  3. Peter Lucas

    darsy Guest

    she wants to sell as much as I do, in fact, probably more so.

    "it's complicated" as they say on facebook.
    darsy, Nov 7, 2010
  4. Peter Lucas

    darsy Guest

    well, it looks sort of in the middle to me. Though, IIRC, the exact
    middle is Omaha?
    darsy, Nov 7, 2010
  5. Peter Lucas

    Higgins Guest

    It's nothing that hasn't been said plenty of times before, to no effect.
    Higgins, Nov 7, 2010
  6. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    seems to me, people who complain about the contents of signatures are making
    themselves look like pricks.
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
  7. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    You actually went to the effort of trawling through google groups to find
    other examples?

    That's just sad.
    | | Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
    | | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
    | Andrew Halliwell BSc | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
    | in |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
    | Computer Science | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
  8. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    To me, it is a big deal. Just because it's meaningless to a twat like you is
    neither here nor there.
    So? Is he proud of it? If not, why not?

    Oh, by the way, almost EVERY single other instance where someone has used my
    sig as an attack vector... has been usenet trolls trying to find an opening,
    attack the messenger, not the message, standard troll tactic).

    Why do you feel the need to criticise inconsequencial things? (and as far as
    I'm concerned there's little that's more inconsequencial than a signature,
    but no, I see no reason to change it just cos a usenet troll complains...
    Makes me more stubborn than ever, that does.

    Have I said something that irks you, or is it just that I'm posting to this
    group from the UK so therefore am a valid target?

    Seems to me you're a twat in everyone's eyes here. (I've been here long
    enough to figure that out)
    | |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
    | |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
    | |can't move, with no hope of rescue. |
    | Andrew Halliwell BSc |Consider how lucky you are that life has been |
    | in |good to you so far... |
    | Computer Science | -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
  9. Peter Lucas

    Higgins Guest

    One would imagine that a degree holder would have learned to draw
    conclusions from evidential analysis rather than assumption.
    Higgins, Nov 7, 2010
  10. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    "It's nothing that hasn't been said plenty of times before, to no effect."
    It's never been said on this newsgroup before. To me at least, so that
    implies you have seen other examples, no?

    So, there are only three possibilities,

    1: you read other groups where the trolls have used my sig as an attack
    2: you googled, which requires a lot of effort these days thanks to the
    terminally broken usenet search
    3: you just lied to make yourself appear more knowledgable than you are.

    Makes no difference anyway, the sigs stay just as they are...
    If for no other reason than I'm too lazy (and stubborn) to change them.
    | | Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
    | | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
    | Andrew Halliwell BSc | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
    | in |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
    | Computer Science | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
  11. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    When you've embarrassed ME personally... maybe, but just because you've
    caught out someone else is an UTTER irrelevance.

    I'm embarrassed for you that you thought that was even a significant

    Feeble. Truly feeble.
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
  12. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    Sums what up?
    You have no clue about my background/history etc.
    I wasn't brought up in some middle class idyll, guaranteed a place at
    university the moment dad came. So just feck orf you arrogant little prick.
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
  13. Peter Lucas

    darsy Guest

    err, aren't you forgetting the US, maybe?
    well, passports are required (though this is, of course, due to the
    UK's semi-illegal rejection of the Schengen agreement).
    darsy, Nov 7, 2010
  14. Peter Lucas

    darsy Guest

    oh, FFS, bring back the "good old days" and cross post something with
    that .sig in it to demon.local, just for the shits and giggles.

    Or just **** off to were your type are tolerated.
    darsy, Nov 7, 2010
  15. Peter Lucas

    Higgins Guest

    I think you're wrong on this but ICBA[1] to Google it.

    [1]See previous comment about assumptions
    Higgins, Nov 7, 2010
  16. I said something last weekend, as well as this weekend.
    stephen.packer, Nov 7, 2010
  17. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    Never posted to either of those groups, thankyouverymuch.
    Maybe you're thinking of someone else.
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
  18. Peter Lucas

    spike1 Guest

    And verily, didst hastily babble thusly:
    Well, must've missed last weekend's moan.
    Doesn't matter though. What people put in their sigs is their business
    alone. Why do you feel so offended by it that you need to complain anyway?

    | | Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
    | | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
    | Andrew Halliwell BSc | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
    | in |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
    | Computer Science | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
    spike1, Nov 7, 2010
  19. I don't feel offended and haven't complained.
    stephen.packer, Nov 7, 2010
  20. Peter Lucas

    ogden Guest

    It has. By me. I doubt I was the only one.
    ogden, Nov 7, 2010
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