You did it again

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Anthony x, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Anthony x

    YTC#1 Guest

    Did I say you did ?

    its his attitude that he does not like his posted, but thinks it is ok to
    post someone elses
    As ever ;-)
    YTC#1, Jan 27, 2010
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  2. Anthony x

    'Hog Guest

    Posting some opinions you may not agree with in threads that crop up isn't
    Trolling. Just as some of your opinions may not be agreeable to others.
    Trying to disrupt the newsgroup (key issue), start flame wars, create off
    group strife, never being on topic and posting endless delusional tripe
    would seem to me to be the real deal.

    So Des for instance, a yes in the NG and IRL too (I understand). Quite
    uniquely that bit, in person IRL.

    Bear, I wouldn't call him a Troll would you? I've never accepted the
    moniker either.

    Anthony though, jeez *where* do you start! Clearly just an individual who
    has been failed by Care in the Community (and his Mum) as we know from his
    posts here and from W.Courier IRL.
    'Hog, Jan 27, 2010
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  3. Anthony x

    Switters Guest

    Yeah, no-one could ever accuse you of those eh!
    Switters, Jan 27, 2010
  4. Anthony x

    'Hog Guest

    I've never tried to cause disruption in here or off the page AFAIK.

    I don't think I've ever been involved in any of the flame wars either.
    There are just some things over which opinions are as polarised as the DUP
    and SF. No middle ground. No possible compromise. And sometime we stray
    in said direction.
    'Hog, Jan 27, 2010
  5. Anthony x

    'Hog Guest

    I'm not sure I do? I really do have an anarchic mind.
    'Hog, Jan 27, 2010
  6. Anthony x

    Lozzo Guest

    ITYM Window-licker
    Lozzo, Jan 27, 2010
  7. Anthony x

    Beav Guest

    What's staggering is they're allowed to fucking breathe.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Jan 27, 2010
  8. Anthony x

    Beav Guest



    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Jan 27, 2010
  9. Anthony x

    Snowleopard Guest

    Way more than we love you ;~)
    Snowleopard, Jan 27, 2010
  10. Anthony x

    Lady Nina Guest

    Phew, he peddles such superior smut.
    Lady Nina, Jan 27, 2010
  11. Anthony x

    YTC#1 Guest

    Aye, Batemans Row.
    YTC#1, Jan 27, 2010
  12. Anthony x

    Krusty Guest

    Pah, I taught him everything he knows.
    Krusty, Jan 27, 2010
  13. Anthony x

    Krusty Guest

    I know :-(
    Krusty, Jan 27, 2010
  14. What the **** are you rattling on about?
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 27, 2010
  15. Anthony x

    Hog Guest

    Iran, a country run by religious fanatics, dedicated to it in fact, with a
    military religious elite that remind me very much of the SA/SS in Germany.
    On a fast track to developing nuclear weapons. Yeah I wouldn't be upset if
    the Israelis set them back 4000 years. The odd airliner, tube train or
    tower block is a major downer but 20 square miles of London or Washington
    glowing in the dark is another matter, so **** them.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm no supporter of Israel either. Hardly a secular
    nation and I despise all sky fairy fanatics, but they are at least less of a
    problem for us and a whole different pot of fish.
    Hog, Jan 28, 2010
  16. Anthony x

    Hog Guest

    It's like this. There is so much I don't like and don't agree with in our
    society that I have largely divorced from it. I go to considerable lengths
    to insulate myself and to prevent being controlled in the Prescribed Manner.
    I've never been prepared to be told what to do and I've never really wanted
    to make other people do stuff.
    Hog, Jan 28, 2010
  17. Anthony x

    Colin Irvine Guest

    It is run by religious fanatics which the majority of the population
    would like to get rid of.
    It is run by religious fanatics that the majority of the population
    seems to support.

    I'd also suggest that Israel is more of a problem to us rather than
    less, in that support of its continued occupation of much of Palestine
    is the biggest source of Muslim anti-west feeling.

    Nuking Israel, or better still the USA, would be of much greater
    benefit to the world than nuking Iran. The difference between you and
    me is that I would never dream of suggesting any of those as being in
    any way desirable.
    Colin Irvine, Jan 28, 2010
  18. Anthony x

    Hog Guest

    Oh I think rather a lot of them do support it all. Even if the election was
    No, the Israeli govmint isn't run by the religious fanatics though there are
    some in the coalition. I'm sometimes surprised how secular it can be.
    Israel is a problem. One we made. But they ain't going to move, ever, and
    they have a society much more like ours. Frankly after several centuries of
    persecution they deserve it. As for the so called Palestinians, they have no
    great cultural claim to the land. It would have made more sense, and have
    been cheaper, to give them each a shed load of money 30 years ago and head
    off all this trouble.
    You obviously haven't ever lived and worked in the States. Much of it is
    somewhat like here, which you proclaim to be a great place to live. Anyone
    who suggests that the USA has been, on balance, a negative influence in the
    world over the past 200 years has a screw loose.

    People are just meat, I don't get unduly sentimental about it all.
    Hog, Jan 28, 2010
  19. Anthony x

    Cab Guest

    Grimly Curmudgeon wibbled forthrightly:
    Heh, it's so funny to see someone who's as thick as pigshit get so many
    bites. :)
    Cab, Jan 28, 2010
  20. Anthony x

    ogden Guest

    ....of Tehran...
    My information sources are only about as good as yours, but I think
    you'd be a fool to believe that there isn't still widespread support for
    the Islamic revolution in Iran.
    ogden, Jan 28, 2010
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