You CAN beat speed cameras

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Martin, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. Martin

    Martin Guest

    How? By riding on the wrong side of the road, that's how.

    You see, the fixed speed cameras, the ones with anti camera vandalism technology and yet more cameras nearby, are not radar operated.

    Only a few strips on the road to measure your speed as you run over them. Normally these strips, only cover one lane.

    So watcha gotta do is just ride (or drive) around them. If possible you just cross to the wrong side of the road for the minimum time it takes you to avoid the thing.

    Why would you bother? I'm sure it's (theoretically) possible on say, Pennant Hills Rd, at night, on a bike....

    I suppose It's a bit silly really, we should just slow down to a crawl and wait for speed limiters to occur on all new cars.

    If, however you do get a photo in the mail, certain legalities will still get you off. Don't bother asking what worked for me.

    It's funny how all these cameras now have cameras to watch over them.

    Would it be an offence to just cover the big camera box with a hessian bag? Or the flash? Not vandalism but I'll bet the fine for tampering with the govmints revenue stream is even worse.

    And then there is the problem of twits like Harold Scruby, must be the love child of Carl Scully and Amanda Vanstone. Bloody Hell.
    Martin, Jan 7, 2004
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  2. Martin

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    technology and yet more cameras nearby, are not radar operated.

    We don't have any fixed cameras in WA, yet. We have the 'hide in the bushes'
    kind. They do have signs saying "Thank you for driving within the limit"
    about 100 metres past the camera.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 7, 2004
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  3. Martin

    Wanda Too Guest

    How about sitting behind, or next to if two lanes, someone who is speeding?
    Any idea on how long the camera takes to recharge?

    technology and yet more cameras nearby, are not radar operated.
    Normally these strips, only cover one lane.
    just cross to the wrong side of the road for the minimum time it takes you
    to avoid the thing.
    Pennant Hills Rd, at night, on a bike....
    wait for speed limiters to occur on all new cars.
    get you off. Don't bother asking what worked for me.
    bag? Or the flash? Not vandalism but I'll bet the fine for tampering with
    the govmints revenue stream is even worse.
    love child of Carl Scully and Amanda Vanstone. Bloody Hell.
    Wanda Too, Jan 7, 2004
  4. technology and yet more cameras nearby, are not radar operated.
    Normally these strips, only cover one lane.
    just cross to the wrong side of the road for the minimum time it takes you
    to avoid the thing.
    Pennant Hills Rd, at night, on a bike....
    wait for speed limiters to occur on all new cars.
    get you off. Don't bother asking what worked for me.
    bag? Or the flash? Not vandalism but I'll bet the fine for tampering with
    the govmints revenue stream is even worse.
    love child of Carl Scully and Amanda Vanstone. Bloody Hell.

    Driving on the wrong side of the road at 20kph over the limit is such good
    advice especially when there's a concrete barrier preventing you from
    getting back to the correct side of the road, it'd save millions of lives
    every year.
    Rainbow Warrior, Jan 7, 2004
  5. Martin

    bob Guest

    How about taking your numberplates off, works for Ghostrider ;-p
    bob, Jan 7, 2004
  6. Or if the camera's a front on photo you could tailgate the car in front.
    Rainbow Warrior, Jan 7, 2004
  7. Martin

    Biggus Guest

    How? By riding on the wrong side of the road, that's how.

    Just dodge the 30 B Trains coming the other way in all 3 lanes???

    School holidays again aint it?
    Biggus, Jan 7, 2004
  8. Just speed past the fixed speed cameras along with another car directly
    beside you. No fine in the mail then :)

    Hollywood H0gan, Jan 7, 2004
  9. Martin

    GB Guest

    How about travelling through the speed trap at the posted

    The more you take on speed cameras, at speed, with your
    numberplate obscured and/or on the other end of your bike,
    the more keen the gummint gets on the idea of front number
    plates again.

    Grow up!

    GB, Jan 7, 2004
  10. Yes?
    They send the happy snaps to both registered owners, each 'cropped' a tad
    differently and tell both to pay up, or else blah blah blah. The teke the
    opportunity to obscure the 'other' cars plate, so the drivers can't compare
    thehappy snaps and perhaps organise themselves a little.
    Reprehensible conduct by Govco, forcing each owner to prove the negative,
    and using divide and conquer all at the same time. Shit they're clever.
    Pretty popular GovCo scumbag technique, that one. Right to the top.
    Toby Ponsenby, Jan 7, 2004
  11. Martin

    Johnno Guest

    A thoroughly brilliant idea, but I'm rather partial to my method of not
    exceeding the speed limit whilst driving past them.

    100% success rate so far.

    Johnno, Jan 7, 2004
  12. Martin

    V@H Guest

    Wait till a mis-calibrated camera snaps you.. :)

    V@H, Jan 7, 2004
  13. Martin

    Johnno Guest


    We'll see. Hasn't happened yet.

    Johnno, Jan 7, 2004
  14. Martin

    blah Guest

    If you're in Melbourne, it might have in the last 3 months... Or in the next
    3 months...

    And the fine won't arrive in the mail until August!


    Seriously - if they aren't issuing any fines from fixed cameras until March
    sometime (when they think they'll have solved the problem), is it realistic
    to be sending out fines from November 2003, when they first decided to stop
    sending out the fines? (Toby, I know your answer already hehe)

    Their six month limit on challenging the ticket will be almost up already!
    blah, Jan 8, 2004
  15. Martin

    Tony Morris Guest

    well done.
    Tony Morris, Jan 8, 2004
  16. Martin

    Leon. Guest

    If, however you do get a photo in the mail, certain legalities will still

    Ok, I wont bother asking, I will just assume you are a troll and discount
    anything you say.
    Leon., Jan 8, 2004
  17. Martin

    Leon. Guest

    yeah, just as its slowing down, and you can pay your "speeding fine" to the
    insurance companies, and "neg driving " fine handed directly to you.
    Leon., Jan 8, 2004
  18. True - or they could drop a few of their extravagances.
    Checked the register of visits of our erstwhile political leaders to other
    countries on the Australian parliament site lately?
    Those are the 'official' ones:)
    quidquid latine dictum
    sit, altum viditur
    Warning: All posts to be treated with a grain of salt.
    By Order
    Toby Ponsenby, Jan 8, 2004
  19. Nah, if its in front, you pop a wheelie and wave....
    DoinitSideways, Jan 8, 2004
  20. Too true.
    DoinitSideways, Jan 8, 2004
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