Yippee, leave of absence to travel...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Owen, May 5, 2010.

  1. Owen

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    I crossed the Channel on a boat if that's what you mean.
    Andy Bonwick, May 6, 2010
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  2. Owen

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Baked potatoe rather than mash IME.

    And of course US steaks are largely full of growth hormones and
    antibiotics. Ugh!
    Colin Irvine, May 6, 2010
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  3. Owen

    Stephen Guest

    Well, that may be the case... but the restaurant (chain) serving some
    the best tasting steaks I've eaten is in the US; Morton's.
    Stephen, May 6, 2010
  4. Owen

    Mike Buckley Guest

    I used to work for a pig breeding company[1] and know just how much
    stuff gets pumped into our meat, UK meat isn't drug free by a long shot.

    Argentinian beef looked bloody gorgeous when Jamie did his travel

    [1] Yes yes I KNOW!
    Mike Buckley, May 6, 2010
  5. Morton's, Pete Miller's, Ruths Chris - all very good in their own way,
    but, if I had a choice, it would be the porterhouse steak from
    Saltgrass Steakhouse in Galveston TX.
    doetnietcomputeren, May 6, 2010
  6. Owen

    Mike Buckley Guest

    Is T1 better?, it's got a higher number, it must be better.

    What about T99? or T0?
    Mike Buckley, May 6, 2010
  7. Owen

    muddy cat Guest

    Let me know if you need help with anything planning wise or after you
    muddy cat, May 6, 2010
  8. Owen

    Owen Guest

    Mortons? Marina had a steak at Mortons and was so impressed with the
    steak knives, she asked where she could buy a set, they sold her one.
    We have a set of Mortons steak knives in the dining room top-drawer,
    they work great, used one last night.
    Owen, May 6, 2010
  9. Owen

    Owen Guest

    Thanks. Ill prolly need a lot of help, Ive only ever ridden in Europe,
    theres bound to be loads of stuff off my radar. YTCs journal was good.
    Owen, May 6, 2010
  10. Owen

    Colin Irvine Guest

    You need steak knives? Buy less pikey steaks instead.
    Colin Irvine, May 7, 2010
  11. Owen

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Now that's just plain insulting.

    We were talking on the French run about good jokes that no longer
    worked. I recalled the one that went "Do you know the difference
    between a turkey, a chicken and a quail? No? Neither does the American
    Colin Irvine, May 7, 2010
  12. Owen

    Owen Guest

    Something that would be really useful would be a list of contacts that
    might possibly have crash space for a British rider/traveller. It
    would certainly help make the whole project more affordable. I could
    recipricate if any come over here to Blighty. Dunno how that would
    Owen, May 7, 2010
  13. Owen

    Owen Guest

    But it was Waitroses finest fillet... The whole point of shopping at
    Waitrose is to avoid the pikeys...
    Owen, May 7, 2010
  14. Owen

    Owen Guest

    Im open to offers...

    The mid-west is a big area... Where are you?
    Owen, May 7, 2010
  15. Owen

    Colin Irvine Guest

    In which case using a steak knife is akin to using a fish knife -
    simply an affectation.
    Colin Irvine, May 7, 2010
  16. Owen

    Mac Guest

    I would refer the honourable gentleman to a post I made up there ^^

    "I also got a lot of local help from the MSTA (Motorcycle Sports
    Association). I got drunk with a few of them, dragged round their
    favourite twisties, given route advice and bed for the night.
    http://www.sporttouring.us/forum.php - Forum
    http://micapeak.com/mailman/listinfo/hsta - old but still kinda active
    mailing list."

    I recommend them as a genuinely friendly & helpful bunch (except for
    info on bike rentals or insurance as a foreigner – they are all US
    bike owners, they’ve never had to do either). Americans who own
    "Sports Touring" bikes (VFRs, FJs, BMWs, Sprint STs, Pans & the like).
    Average age must be 45-50 ish.
    Last years two week trip based round Staunton VA. I stayed with three
    of the members.
    Drop an email into the mailing list - it's worth a punt at the least.
    Mac, May 7, 2010
  17. Owen

    Owen Guest

    Ive bought a gurhka kukri for camping/chopping wood/skinning mountain
    lions, etc. So Ive sorted my essentials...
    Owen, May 7, 2010
  18. Owen

    Owen Guest

    snipped, prolly wrong...
    Give me a couple of days and I could prolly construct a clever retort
    to that, that wouldnt make me look too shallow or stupid...

    Then again...
    Owen, May 7, 2010
  19. Owen

    Thomas Guest

    You've already got lots of good info, (most of it true,) but I've got
    more than 40 years experience riding California roads, so if I may...
    I don't know much about visas, but AIR, you may need to ask for a
    multiple entry vs a single entry. I know people who went to Tijuana
    for the day and weren't allowed back in because of a single entry
    visa. that was years ago, so things may have changed. I think the US
    Dept of State webpages would be a good start.

    Mountain lions are on the endangered species list, so please don't
    kill one. If you try to kill a bear with a knife, you deserve what you

    I don't think I've seen a rental for less than $100/day. There is an
    organization for exchange of bikes, but I lost the link.

    IMHO, there are 3 "must see" sites in the US west of the Rocky
    Mountains.- the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and California Hiway 1. Of
    course, everybody sees them, so they're almost always crowded with
    tourists. Worth it, though. With 2 months, you can do much of
    California and a lot of the West. I usually take 2 weeks to do a lap
    of CA - up the coast, down through the Sierras, or vice versa, tossing
    in a healthy dose of side roads. There are a gazillion good roads from
    Montana to New Mexico to the coast. Colorado, Utah and Arizona all are
    worth riding. Utah 12 is one of my favorites.

    If you do California, get good county level maps. State maps won't
    show the small fun roads. I like the AAA maps.
    Top to bottom-
    NorCal 1 may be even better than the stretch between SF & LA.
    Certainly less traffic. There are mazes of roads that go inland from
    CA1, connecting to Hiway 101, or just loops. The Trinity Alps is near
    the Oregon border and has a plethora of fun roads. The Sierras are
    wonderful, but seasonal.

    CenCal. The roads on the San Francisco peninsula are fun and Alice's
    Restaurant is there. Don't miss the Monterrey Aquarium. Try to do
    Hiway 1 during the week. Too many tourists on weekends. Carmel Valley
    Road from Carmel to the central valley is one long thrill ride through
    a variety of landscapes. There are a bunch of nice roads in between 1
    and 101 North of San Luis Obispo. Hiway 49 is the main north-south
    road through the Sierra foothills, and it can be fun when the traffic
    is light, but there are many other great roads off of it in the
    mountains. Some of them have great names.

    SoCal. I like the Ring Around The Toilet. It's a mountain chain that
    surrounds the SoCal metropolitan area. Starting at the coast north of
    Malibu, you can hit the Rockstore (really lousy food,) then go east on
    Mulholland Drive, then do the Angeles Crest, over to Big Bear, south
    across the I10 and up to Idyllwild, then Palomar Mountain, and finally
    wind up at the Mexican border by San Diego via the Lagunas or Cuyamaca
    mtns. San Diego, my home, has some great roads, but it's kinda stuck
    between Hell A and hell B (Imperial County.)

    I'm not sure when you're going. If it's later this summer, we may get
    together, but I'm in Heidelberg right now on my own little adventure.
    If you have more questions, feel free to ping me. I do have a loft
    with a spare bed.
    Thomas, May 7, 2010
  20. Owen

    Pip Guest

    Lovely turn of phrase there, Mark.
    Pip, May 7, 2010
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