Yippee, leave of absence to travel...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Owen, May 5, 2010.

  1. Owen

    Owen Guest

    Never mind all that. Ive started a thread here. 2 more posts and Ill
    have topped 200, Marina would be proud. Actually she'd be teasing me
    about it, well, ripping the piss if truth be known. come on, I cant
    resort to posting the last 2 myself, thatd be sad.
    Oh shit, Ive set myself up havent I?
    Owen, May 10, 2010
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  2. Owen

    Krusty Guest

    It'd be a shame to get to the end without any mention of angle grinders.
    Krusty, May 10, 2010
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  3. Owen

    wessie Guest

    and finish with a song, and as it's a thread about North America, "I'm a
    wessie, May 10, 2010
  4. Owen

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    On Mon, 10 May 2010 10:12:35 +0100, Kevin Weller

    I visited Sarajevo soon after the siege lifted (I was being paid or I
    wouldn't have gone) and it certainly didn't feel very comfortable.
    Things had settled down a lot but the taxi driver who drove me to work
    every day took great pleasure in showing me the sights and telling me
    that 12 months earlier we'd have been under fire if we'd driven along
    the routes we were taking.

    I'd have liked to have seen it before the war and in a way I'd like to
    go back now and see how much they've rebuilt it but at the time I
    really wasn't very pleased to be there. I still think I wasn't paid to
    put up with that crap but I got to go to some really exciting places.
    Andy Bonwick, May 10, 2010
  5. Owen

    Owen Guest

    Sad, I know, but youve made me a happy man. I shall now go to sleep a
    very happy man... Sleep well...
    Owen, May 10, 2010
  6. Owen

    Lozzo Guest

    I'll be taking the Versys into Rome in September after I get off the
    ferry at Civitavecchia on the way back from Malta. I'm told riding
    around the city is an experience never to be repeated anywhere else.
    Lozzo, May 11, 2010
  7. Owen

    Krusty Guest

    It's hard to repeat anything when you've been flat-packed by a Fiat.
    Krusty, May 11, 2010
  8. Owen

    Lozzo Guest

    Oh ****. I'm disappointed now.
    Lozzo, May 11, 2010
  9. Owen

    Jérémy Guest

    Or a bike, if you're braver - you'll get around a lot quicker. We were
    there last year on the bikes - fantastic place.
    Jérémy, May 11, 2010
  10. Owen

    CT Guest

    I think that it's too often & consistent to be trolling *all the time*.

    I think the issue is that Champ, WUN et al simply cannot reconcile the
    fact that someone that is their friend and that they like is a bit
    right wing!
    CT, May 11, 2010
  11. Owen

    Tim Guest

    There was a steak house that had some Scottish theme, but it also had
    theme items from any other country that liked to think it invested cow's
    arse. I have happy memories of alternating Tequila and Scotch while
    trying to finish some huge steak. At the time a huge screen had
    Barcelona v Man U on the telly and we all cheered for about 0.001s when
    Man U scored, then noticing everyone else was following Barcelona.
    Actually no-one cared and we didn't get lynched or even frowned at in a
    disapproving manner.
    Tim, May 11, 2010
  12. Owen

    CT Guest

    all cheered for about 0.001s when Man U scored, then noticing everyone
    I watched it in my local and *I* was cheering Barcelona!
    CT, May 11, 2010
  13. Owen

    Thomas Guest

    There is no Mexican problem, unless you're a nationalistic extremist.
    There is debate about whether illegals are an economic drain or
    benefit. It's a tossup. Crime isn't much of an issue.
    As for weather - I live ~3 miles from the ocean. I can grow pretty
    much anything. I have cacti, palm trees, pine trees and stone fruit in
    my garden. Mangos take some care, but will grow here. I grow tomatos
    year-round. I ride every day. It rains <10" per year. The temp gets
    over 100 a few days a year, but it's not uncomfortable, and it never
    freezes where I live. If it ain't perfect, it's pretty damn close. Oh,
    and girls wear bikinis year-round.
    Thomas, May 11, 2010
  14. Owen

    Krusty Guest

    I hate you.
    Krusty, May 11, 2010
  15. Owen

    Owen Guest

    The Romans were possibly the worst drivers in Europe in my experience.
    I even saw a police car rear end someone. Both drivers got out, argued
    in the middle of the intersection for 2 minutes, then shrugged and
    drove off...
    Owen, May 11, 2010
  16. Owen

    davethedave Guest

    Aye. The brakes on those frigging chariots eh! And all those
    Red Sea pedestrians wandering around the roads.
    davethedave, May 11, 2010
  17. Owen

    Hog Guest

    Sorry but you can't pidgeon me as right wing. No Way Jose....

    I like to do whatever, whenever and wherever the **** I like. I'd like other
    people to do same. Just as long as one doesn't **** anyone elso over in the
    process. Simples <squeak>
    Hog, May 11, 2010
  18. Owen

    Hog Guest

    The problem as observed was illegal immigration and the Mayor offering a
    Sanctuary. It seems.

    If you think that unfettered uncontrolled immigration is a good idea then
    you are an idiot. Remind us of your unemployment rate and your health
    service capability to deal with the legal population?

    Keeping a single operational language would be handy too.
    See you can **** right off. Right now. I'm ready to retire to my own little
    equatorial paradise sometime this afternoon. The UK Contract ends in in
    Hog, May 11, 2010
  19. Owen

    Ace Guest

    How do you square that with your stated desire to stop Muslims doing
    what they like?

    <Aside to audience>

    You know what, I'm beginning to wonder if Hog's not actually some sort
    of plant, or a 3rd columnist, working from within to actually get folk
    to sympathise with Muslims. He's doing a much better job of it than
    the radical clerics you occasionally see on TV.
    Ace, May 11, 2010
  20. Owen

    Hog Guest

    Are you just being obtuse?
    The people in question would like to destroy western society and control
    every little aspect of our lives, given half a chance.
    I've said it a few times recently, in order to for people to be able to live
    in a free and libertarian society those who would destroy it jneed to be
    dealt with. You can create a horizon of freedom thats waaaaaaaaaaay over
    there somewhere, something we most certainly do not enjoy, but at the border
    of it there needs to be a limit. A limit that defines what is your freedom
    and what is likely to destroy a society and the peaceful lives of others.

    The current strategy is that in fact we do not efficiently deal with people
    who would destroy the peaceful lives of others. So rather than simply doing
    so instead we ramp down the freedom and liberties of everyone. In part
    stupidity, in part political reality and in part political design. Would
    you not agree?
    Hog, May 11, 2010
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