Looks like we'll be getting some sunshine and fairly dry weather, today.. Saturday.. July 7.. Ain't that nice ? Been sitting here and catching up on all the latest goins on and thinking about unwrapping the Green Vulcan, for a day ride somewhere.. Even though it is dirty and needs a good clean- ing, after being covered for so long, that old motorcycle is in pretty good shape to get a good "airing".. I know that I'm sure ready.. The Mexican hit the floor and everything got turned upside down, as only she can do.. All kinds of projects need to be attended to around LaCasa.. Whew.. hedge needs to be trim- med.. all the driveways and patios need to be swept and clean- ed.. storage room needs to be straightened up and the unused items needs to be discarded.. on and on, she goes.. Everything she is coming up with has merit and she's right.. all of it needs to get done.. but.. but.. but.. dammit, I was thinking about doing something else, today.. Well hell.. might as well get to it.. maybe I can get all this crap done and still have some time for a little run around or something.. <sigh> Ain't life a bitch? Bill Walker