Yankee Tavern

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by George Pollard, Jul 21, 2007.

  1. Louie, Redshad, Big Ed, Jerry, Cookie, and I all showed up. Where were
    the rest of you Usenet pussies?

    Had a goood meet, an OK burger, greasy fries, and a wet ride home. At
    least it was a cool ride.

    Good to meet everyone.

    Ed, watch the buzzards!
    George Pollard, Jul 21, 2007
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  2. George Pollard

    louie Guest

    Big Ed and RedShad split off at Fairfield and headed toward Canton. I came
    back across to Hillsboro and up. Made it home at 545p w/only a small shower
    around Hubbard, Tx.

    Good seeing Cookie, and Jerry again. Good meeting u George and thanks for
    the grease. We'll do another one soon.

    louie, Jul 22, 2007
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  3. George Pollard

    BiffB Guest

    Sun's been shining here all day. Seems you bastards picked a good day to
    go. Where we goin' next Saturday?
    BiffB, Jul 22, 2007
  4. George Pollard

    Jerry Guest

    Once again, TX.moto got together and had a good time. Too bad some of you
    did not make it. It was good to see Louie, Ed and Redshad and meet George.
    We visited and no one got shot or anything.

    It was a dry run home and only a 2 minute sprinkle on the way up. Ed hit a
    buzzard and now his road name is "Buzzard Strike". I scrapped a peg on a
    curve and Cookie is still pissed. I finally had to turn on my nag
    Jerry, Jul 22, 2007
  5. George Pollard

    louie Guest

    Cisco, Tx.
    To the free bike show. We're going to go pick through them, see what we
    You boys near the Gulf need to leave early to make lunch, no such thing as a
    free lunch so bring some money for that.

    louie, Jul 22, 2007
  6. George Pollard

    Jerry Guest

    300 miles from my house. Got a link to the bike show info?
    Jerry, Jul 22, 2007
  7. George Pollard

    louie Guest

    Sunny is the link. She sez

    "Free Bike Show in Cisco, TX, July 28, 2007,
    10:00 a.m. at the Old Hilton Hotel"

    louie, Jul 22, 2007
  8. George Pollard

    BiffB Guest

    There'll be no leaving before noon. My non-semi-retired status demands I
    work half a day on saturdays. or at least show up. they pretty much know
    by now i'm not gonna really do anything.
    BiffB, Jul 22, 2007
  9. George Pollard

    louie Guest

    Well there u go, saved lunch money. Only thing is all the free bikes will be
    gone by the time you get there.

    louie, Jul 22, 2007
  10. George Pollard

    Ed Hart Guest

    I had to make a detour on the way home to ck. on the buzzard I hit.He has a
    BTW- What's all this "Dropping Bikes Crap".Maybe Louie and Brian can
    explain it.
    Ed Hart, Jul 22, 2007
  11. George Pollard

    BiffB Guest

    S'ok, no idea how I would get it back home anyway.
    BiffB, Jul 22, 2007
  12. George Pollard

    Gary Walker Guest

    That's great that everyone returned unscathed, except
    for the buzzard. Just exactly does one hit a buzzard on
    a motorcycle? Or, let me rephrase that - "Just exactly,
    how does a motorcyclist hit a buzzard"?

    My wife went to Denton today(opposite direction), and
    reported very heavy rain passing through Lewisville. Ya'll
    were lucky.

    Thanks, for the update.

    Gary - T.M.U.P.
    Gary Walker, Jul 22, 2007
  13. George Pollard

    Ed Hart Guest

    It was a bitch,but I did it.
    Ed Hart, Jul 22, 2007
  14. George Pollard

    Brian Walker Guest

    I don't know...I wasn't there on this ride, so I wouldn't know about
    anyone dropping their bikes. Did Louie drop his new motorcycle or
    Brian Walker, Jul 22, 2007
  15. George Pollard

    Bill Walker Guest

    That is one good crew that you hooked up with, today.. My regrets that I
    couldn't make the ride with all of ya'll..

    There'll be another ride on another day, and we'll all make it together..

    Regards, George

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 22, 2007
  16. George Pollard

    Ed Hart Guest

    It wasn't on this trip.I understand the rumor is it was done at various
    times in alleys and streets in front of the bike owners homes.
    Ed Hart, Jul 22, 2007
  17. George Pollard

    Brian Walker Guest


    Do you always believe rumors? Can you expand a bit on it? Is this
    something you heard from me? Got pictures?

    I guess I'm clueless as to what you're talking about. Maybe Louie can
    help you out with what happened to him, but I'm at a loss....
    Brian Walker, Jul 22, 2007
  18. George Pollard

    Ed Hart Guest

    Well,I guess as Louie sez "You must of blacked out.He He.No pics.Just
    conversation around the camp fire.You missed a good ride yesturday.Wish you
    could of made it.
    Ed Hart, Jul 22, 2007
  19. George Pollard

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nah, I didn't "blacked out".... :)

    Yep, I wished I made it. I had birthday stuff and Harry Potter stuff
    to take care of.
    Brian Walker, Jul 22, 2007
  20. George Pollard

    Brian Walker Guest

    Brian Walker, Jul 22, 2007
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