The re-painted swinging arm has been re-installed, complete with nice new bushes, pivot and sleeve. Amazing what a difference it makes. The play in the old seized up s/arm was small, but already the bike feels more stable and precise (for a trail 50!). I stuck the Giannelli can on it as well, and was thunderstruck to discover that it actually cut the power. it was reluctant to rev and seemed to revert to restricted mode. I thought these things were power pipes? Re-fitting the OE Yamaha exhaust proved that, yes, the Yam pipe was a bit noisier and made the bike far crisper and more powerful. Both pipes must have had some restrictor plate, and it was removed from the Yamaha can but is still in the Giannelli pipe. That's my guess, anyway. Neighbour Keith eyed it approvingly before blagging a helmet and zipping round the block on it and coming back with a grin on his face. We both agreed that we'd have killed, at age 16, for something like this. The nice thing about a de-restricted DT50 is that it is *just* powerful enough to be a practical city bike. I've had 45 out of it, with more to come, and it's got all the trail bike advantages in traffic. I likes it, I does.