xvs650a oil levels

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by ianmckechnie, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. ianmckechnie

    ianmckechnie Guest

    I'm a biggish sort of bloke with arthritic knees and eyes that were at
    their best some twenty odd years ago, so if you know the V star 650 at
    all you'll understand my problems when it comes to checking the oil.
    PLEASE some one tell me they've designed a dip stick so I don't have to
    lie on my belly and check a sight glass I can barely see.

    Thanks in anticipation of some help here.

    ianmckechnie, Mar 13, 2006
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  2. 1. Check oil level through sight glass with oil at correct level.

    2. Obtain wooden stick. Or pencil.

    3. Insert through filler hole.

    4. Note oil level on stick (or pencil).

    5. Mark stick (or pencil).

    6. Keep stick (or pencil).

    7. When the spirit moves you, take up stick (or pencil) and repeat 3.
    Top up oil as necessary to achieve 4.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 13, 2006
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  3. ianmckechnie

    RCFlyr Guest

    I solved the problem by going to my friendly autoparts store and
    purchased a mechanics inspection mirror with an extendable handle.
    works for me.

    RCFlyr sed that!!
    RCFlyr, Mar 14, 2006
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