I'm trying to upgrade from Win98SE to XP Home, using the upgrade jobbie not the full install. The damn thing keeps locking due to a SCSI error that *appears* to be related to my digital camera, yet I can't find an upgrade for it on the interweb thingy at all, and asking the Microsoft site for the latest drivers tells me I've already got the latest ones installed. I d/l some drivers from the Olympus site that were supposed to be 2.5 and upwards. Well, they were. Only I'm supposed to have 2.5 installed first as the 2.5 and upwards means it installs 2.5.1. Can I find just 2.5 to install? Can I buggery. GAH. Any ideas on how I can get around this problem? -- Lesley ZXR400SP "Not bad for a Scouser" SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster] BOTAFOT#101A UKRMHRC#12 BONY#54P BOB#18 Un-cork me to reply
Not, IME, a good thing but..... This locks when you plug the camera in, or during the upgrade? Don't think that matters. 2.5.1 will only be a minor revision from 2.5 Personally I would wipe the drive and do a full XP install, but that's probably not that helpful, and not what you want to hear. Have you removed *all* the Olympus software, and made sure there are no instances left in teh registry? You might find that doing that, then re-installing solves it. -- Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply) Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7 Ducati Monster 600 Metallic www.cuore-sportivo.co.uk
AOL to that - Microsoft upgrades are terrible. Wipe it and start again! -- Stu XJ900 YTC#11 OSOS#23 pull my plonker when replying
Well, I was being a bit of a pikey and keeping the upgrade cost down. The camera isn't plugged in, the lead for the camera is lying on top of the computer disconnected, where it has been for the past week or so. It locks up during the upgrade with a SCSI error. You would think so, but I get a message telling me it can't be installed as 2.5 isn't present. Err, no. It would take me ages to get everything back to how it was before (IYSWIM). I think so, but I'll double check it. -- Lesley ZXR400SP "Not bad for a Scouser" SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster] BOTAFOT#101A UKRMHRC#12 BONY#54P BOB#18 Un-cork me to reply
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 17:56:56 GMT, DangerScouse Indeed, but more time than you've spent so far? OK, lets look at it like this: Even though the camera is not plugged in, the upgrade 'knows' that there are some components installed (or why would it bork with this error) Ergo there is still something there that should be removed for the purposes of the exercise, *or* it's nothing to do with the camera at all. What made you think it was the camera initially? -- Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply) Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7 Ducati Monster 600 Metallic www.cuore-sportivo.co.uk