Xmyth lights

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mo Childs, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. Mo Childs

    Mo Childs Guest

    Just put up a set of very tasteful purple LED outdoor lights from Habitat
    (eat your heart out Nigel!). Looking at them they are a blue & red LEDs in
    the same capsule and they must be on opposite cycles of the supply so they
    have a 50 HZ red and blue flicker which from a distance isn't noticeable but
    closer up means they have a disconcerting way of seperating out into a red
    light or blue light as you blink.
    Mo Childs, Dec 10, 2004
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  2. Mo Childs

    AJ Guest

    Get a life **** wit!
    AJ, Dec 10, 2004
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  3. Mo Childs

    Mo Childs Guest

    Ahh the Xmyth spirit, how refreshing.
    Mo Childs, Dec 10, 2004
  4. Mo Childs

    Cab Guest

    Who rattled your cage?
    Cab, Dec 11, 2004
  5. Mo Childs

    sweller Guest

    "Perhaps you have noticed since moving here that we foster and enjoy a
    high level of civic pride in our homes.

    "Unfortunately your dull, ugly front garden and tacky, tawdry lights fail
    to reflect our village image.

    "Please do what you can to help improve matters. Thank you."
    sweller, Dec 11, 2004
  6. Mo Childs

    dwb Guest

    You live near Gloucester? :)

    That blokes house in Sonning is a bit OTT... Nigel take note...
    dwb, Dec 11, 2004
  7. Mo Childs

    Mo Childs Guest

    You have obviously mixed me up with a certain Mr. Eaton of Blingsville and
    his project Grimswold.
    Mo Childs, Dec 11, 2004
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