Xmas bonus

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Older Gentleman, Dec 20, 2003.

  1. The Older Gentleman

    deadmail Guest

    They've got to get Champ's 640 from somewhere. Someone else can expect
    a rebate for 20 I suppose.
    deadmail, Dec 20, 2003
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  2. The Older Gentleman

    deadmail Guest

    I got (in May) about 600 quid back from the tax office; my crowd pay me
    14p a mile and I can claim a business expense of 40p a mile. I go to
    the airport a fair amount (200 mile round trip) so each trip is worth a
    notional expense of 52 quid to me; I get to have the tax refunded once a
    year on this; which is nice.
    deadmail, Dec 20, 2003
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  3. The Older Gentleman

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique,
    As a Septic once pointed out to me: "Tax refunds make you feel good
    right up to the point where you remember it was your money in the first
    Nigel Eaton, Dec 20, 2003
  4. The Older Gentleman

    deadmail Guest

    Well, the way it works at my place is I get given a budget of, say, 4%
    of my salary bill (salary for my staff, I'm not included). After
    discussion with my team leaders this is allocated in what seems the
    fairest way based on performance over the year.

    The problem comes with the well paid high-achievers, to give them more
    than the notional 4% I would have to greatly disadvantage more than one
    of the lower paid members of the team (who may well have done just as
    well respectively). It's a difficult one.

    Basically the people that do well stay at 4% or so, those
    deadmail, Dec 20, 2003
  5. The Older Gentleman

    deadmail Guest

    Well given that there's no way it costs me 80 quid to drive to the
    airport and back I'm nice and secure in my little fantasy TYVFM.
    deadmail, Dec 20, 2003
  6. The Older Gentleman

    mb Guest

    Last year I paid too much tax, by 93 Euros. The taxman decided not to give
    it to me 'cos they don't do any refunds less than 200 Euros. Bastards.
    mb, Dec 20, 2003
  7. The Older Gentleman

    Statto Guest

    What is this "bonus" of which you speak?
    Statto, Dec 21, 2003
  8. The Older Gentleman

    pete boyall Guest

    On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 23:18:58 +0000, wrote:

    That seems to be the way most sensible companies do it. Sadly our
    place is over-beaucratised in the interests of creating work for
    people (primarily HR) who have nothing better to do.
    I appreciate the problem; it's even harder when you have a guy who has
    consistently performed well such that he is now at the top of his
    grade's pay band, and hence you cannot actually give him *any* rise
    without promoting him, but there are no higher-grade jobs around (or
    they aren't suitable). Solve that one!
    ..... those? ...

    I see where you're coming from, and I think your way is fairest - the
    people who know their staff's performance are able to determine their
    staff's pay. Seems sensible. Unfortunately our way is such that the
    managerial layer know that they will affect their own payrises if they
    hand out too many high grades to us underlings, human nature being
    what it is ...

    The other problem with our supposed "fairer, more transparent"
    technique is that because everything is divided up arbitrarily (ouch,
    spelling that during a hangover hurt) all you need to do is make sure
    5% of the staff are a lazier than you are you're guaranteed a normal
    payrise. Under your place's system *everyone* who was a lazy ****
    wouldn't get a decent rise so there'd be more to go around for the
    handful keeping the place afloat ...
    pete boyall, Dec 21, 2003
  9. The Older Gentleman

    etb Guest

    It was an evil plot by the Bread and Milk Barons to increase sales...

    SimonB - South Wales. BOF#32
    email simonb@zapikdotcodotuk
    Triumph Sprint ST,
    ZXR750L2 Wazimbaki.
    Kawasaki Z1R For Sale
    etb, Dec 21, 2003
  10. The Older Gentleman

    deadmail Guest

    Don't start.. they gave me a formula for pay rises; one that spent more
    than the allocated budget...
    you can't. I was about to give my solution but the evening's Stella
    intake caused my posting hand to slip.
    The people at the lower grades tend to be assessed on their performance
    and tend to get a rise that reflects their performance, between 2 and
    6%; it's rare for a graduate to be completely demotivated.

    The people in the higher grades (managers/team leaders) tend to get
    around 3 or 4% since most of the ones that don't perform have been
    weeded out by now. The few that lose their rise are told it's not
    greatly a reflection on them but that others have really worked their
    arses off and a little money has needed to be found. Sorry but it's a
    tough world and all that.

    The people in the middling grades tend to get between 3 and 5%, picking
    up the money sliced off at the top; these are the people that really
    need to be motivated since they're the worker ants in the organisation
    Well they tried to match the grading to the salary rise but... when the
    salaries are in wide bands and people are sat in different positions
    this is difficult. Plus we have an appraisal system with gradings of
    "E"- Exceeds expectations, "S"- Satisfactory performance and "I"- needs
    Improvement; what a crap selection of gradings... there needs to be
    something between E and S.

    This is supposedly true. I don't think anyone likes the way it works in
    our place either for what it's worth. It's nice when you've got someone
    serving (three months) notice during the review period since you can
    give them 0% and pass their rise onto others that deserve it. I had
    someone kick off at me about this once! Fucker was leaving and expected
    a pay rise in his last month.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  11. The Older Gentleman

    YTC#1 Guest

    I am looking forward to this next year. We get 23p a mileand I am
    currently just short of 9k :)
    YTC#1, Dec 21, 2003
  12. The Older Gentleman

    pete boyall Guest

    On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 10:40:15 +0000, wrote:

    All I can say is that you have my sympathy. I doubt there is a
    perfect system, other than making everyone self-employed so they can
    charge what the market will bear. Of course, that would mean most
    people would plunge into poverty, there not being a huge market for
    "fat bloke who eats crisps all day while spilling coffee in his
    keyboard" or "office gossip who spends 4 hours a day on the phone to
    friends" :eek:)
    pete boyall, Dec 21, 2003
  13. The Older Gentleman

    Slider Guest

    We didn't get a bonus, but we got an abso-fuckin-lutely fantastic Christmas
    Party which was all paid for.
    Slider, Dec 21, 2003
  14. Paul Corfield wrote:

    Neither, I just had an understanding boss. Well for one night of the
    year, mostly he was a ****.
    Doesnotcompute, Dec 21, 2003
  15. The Older Gentleman

    deadmail Guest

    Hmm... 9k in 9 months = 12k a year.

    For the first 10k miles you get 40p a mile allowance, therefore you can
    claim 10,000*(.4-.23)=1,700 ukp
    And for the 2k miles you get a 25p a mile allowance, therefore you can
    claim 2,000*(.25-.23)=40ukp

    So that's 1,740ukp you can claim as a legitimate business expense
    pushing 1,740 quid out of the taxman's grasp... resulting in a rebate
    (assuming higher rate and PAYE) of 1,720*.40 = 696 quid. Nice enough.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  16. The Older Gentleman

    YTC#1 Guest

    While this made me smile, the fact you went to the extreeme of working it
    out is very worrying.
    (I would stick a smiley in, but I know you hate them)
    YTC#1, Dec 21, 2003
  17. The Older Gentleman

    YTC#1 Guest

    That will be because the tax allowance has gone up from 75ukp/head to
    YTC#1, Dec 21, 2003
  18. The Older Gentleman

    deadmail Guest

    a) it's hardly rocket science
    b) I've a spreadsheet I use for holding various tax return calculations
    in so it takes next to no time (about 1 minute).

    I had real problems making the date for the tax returns in the past so
    I've changed my 'record keeping' and stuff so I'm ready for the tax
    return when it hits.

    Everything's filed; dividend statements, interest payments etc. all
    ready for the date I can put the return in. That way there's no hassle
    at the end of the year; oh, and I get the money back that the Inland
    Revenue owe me sooner which is good 'cos surprisingly despite it being
    *my* money they don't pay me interest on it...
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  19. The Older Gentleman

    deadmail Guest

    I'd rather have a tax-free lump of 150ukp tyvm than spend more time with
    my workmates.
    deadmail, Dec 21, 2003
  20. The Older Gentleman

    ogden Guest

    A bottle of red wine and an announcement that the company's being sold
    off to the likes of EDS, Capita and BT, depending who'll cough up the

    Merry Christmas, one and all.
    ogden, Dec 22, 2003
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