Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by bikerbetty, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. Precisely, but the general public were never told anything about them.
    George W Frost, Apr 26, 2011
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  2. bikerbetty

    ShyBiker Guest

    Correct! But you just can't resist talking about us can you, Gerry the liar.
    How many posts have you sent in this thread, and the ANZAC one?
    ShyBiker, Apr 26, 2011
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  3. bikerbetty

    ShyBiker Guest

    It wont!
    ShyBiker, Apr 26, 2011
  4. bikerbetty

    atec77 Guest

    I actually asked a good friend .
    A master chief on one of the big boats and he explained quite a bit
    and I suspect it's only information possible to obtain from very limited
    sources ( he did a nam thingy) and happily we didn't have a problem with
    The the net filled in some spaces with a couple of small questions yet
    unanswered , silly thing is gewwy the bullshiter seems to think he has
    rights in this dissagrement , God know I don't alawys agree with you but
    my enemies enemy etc
    atec77, Apr 26, 2011
  5. bikerbetty

    Deevo Guest

    Not interested mate, go home.
    Deevo, Apr 26, 2011
  6. bikerbetty

    Dallas Guest

    Aw Nev... I wish that were true, but due to the similarities of their
    names, the interposed Gerry's service number with
    B.G.F. Binder's name and history. The service record posted is "our"
    Dallas, Apr 26, 2011
  7. bikerbetty

    ShyBiker Guest

    Correct, mate.
    But then the troll, Gerry the liar, descended on us. He is exactly as Dallas
    describes him, like the terminator. Oh, don't get me wrong, Gerry the liar
    is a very, very clever, troll. He can start a flame war at the drop of a

    BTW mate, we didn't follow him here, he invited us to come on over and take
    him on in this group. So I thought, why not. He's posted enough shit in the
    Flight Sim group to sink a battleship. Have a mosey over there mate, and go
    back awhile through the threads, and you will see what I mean. *Everything I
    post here can be verified in that NG for those that wish to check it out.*
    Mate, we've had close on 18 months of Gerry the liar, TRYING to tear our NG
    apart. So to prevent all this shit, and make no mistake about it, IT IS ALL
    SHIT, from contaminating our NG further, I took up Gerry the liars invite to
    come on over here.
    CrazyCam, it's been a pleasure to converse with you mate, you and that
    Sheila, bikerbetty, I consider as true mates. If I was in your area, I would
    buy a slab or two, and the three of us could have a good old piss up.

    Yeah, mate, my balls are fine, if you'll pardon the expression betty,
    they're still intact mate,and not been fed to the chooks. :)
    ShyBiker, Apr 26, 2011
  8. bikerbetty

    ShyBiker Guest

    Well punk, have we MADE YOUR DAY yet. :)
    ShyBiker, Apr 26, 2011
  9. bikerbetty

    ShyBiker Guest

    Of course, you are NEVER wrong, are you, Gerry the liar?

    lol lol lol lol lol
    ShyBiker, Apr 26, 2011
  10. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    As is frequently the case with you, Nev, you simply got it wrong.

    Now go away and stop sucking up to the trolls in your desperate
    effforts to try to get someone to agree with you about how "evil" I
    am. You are consumed by your hatred. Get therapy.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 26, 2011
  11. bikerbetty

    ShyBiker Guest

    Hey, Dallas fellar, I aint' afraid to cause shit in here, mate, that's why I
    took up Gerry the liar's invite. At the moment the shit is at an acceptable
    level. It could go one of two ways. All this shit could end as quickly as it
    started, or it could get worse, much worse. It's all down to Gerry the liar,
    as to how far it goes.
    ShyBiker, Apr 26, 2011
  12. bikerbetty

    Moike Guest

    I see you've stopped pretending you're not from the flightsim group.
    You, know, the one you said you had to go and check out for background.

    Who's a liar?

    Moike, Apr 26, 2011
  13. bikerbetty

    gdel.remove Guest

    What? Raise the level of discussion above grade school levels?
    Fat chance, so please do us all a favour and go back to your wannabe
    forum. Thanks.
    gdel.remove, Apr 26, 2011
  14. bikerbetty

    Dallas Guest

    That's no way to treat invited guests.

    Judging from your response you knew my post was humour, so you must
    know it's impossible for Gerry to stop responding or provoking fights.

    He doesn't respond to friendship, logic, pleading, threats or any other
    motivations known to mankind and he'd let this place get burned down
    without a second thought just to keep the fight going.

    If you haven't guessed already, he loves these wars as much as life
    itself and nothing would make him happier than to escalate this into a
    larger war. (Remember... he brought us here.)

    He does have his kryptonite however, he hates to be ignored. A little
    piece of him dies inside when he doesn't get the response he's looking

    So on that note, I think I'll give you guys a break and start ignoring

    (And let me show you how well I know the guy. He always gets the last
    word, so he'll duck in here and declare "victory" then throw out some
    parting provocation. You see... he doesn't really want us to leave.
    ;- )
    Dallas, Apr 26, 2011
  15. bikerbetty

    Dallas Guest

    Coming from you, that's hysterical. BTW, are you still under the care
    of a mental health professional?
    Dallas, Apr 26, 2011
  16. bikerbetty

    ShyBiker Guest

    Well that's OK George, it's not an offense to be friendly to me..... only in
    Gerry the liar's eyes. If we were to meet in RW I'm sure we would be mates
    and have a few stubbies together. :)
    Thank you, George, others in the group are also beginning to converse with
    me as well, as opposed to talking about me.
    Yeah, sorry about that mate, I chose you at random, but I'm impressed to see
    that you didn't take offense, good on ya mate. As I suspected, the vast
    majority of people here are fair dinkum, they just need to be aware of what
    Gerry the liar gets up to, when he goes walkabout in other groups, and what
    he could do in here.

    Nice talking to you, mate.
    ShyBiker, Apr 26, 2011
  17. bikerbetty

    GWD Guest

    Yes, but now they know that they are retards. Doing them a favour in
    other words. Makes me feel good - what about you?
    GWD, Apr 26, 2011
  18. bikerbetty

    GWD Guest

    Your behaviour ensures you will never be invited anywhere again. So
    just do as a few of our regulars have politely asked of you, **** off
    and don't come back.
    Give us a break and disappear down the hole from which you emerged.

    <SNIP more of the same retarded garbage>
    GWD, Apr 26, 2011

  19. Okay Shybiker, the antics of Gerry and others do not phase me one bit,
    I have been abused by experts they have got nowhere and this lot are only
    amateurs at it
    George W Frost, Apr 26, 2011
  20. bikerbetty

    Saddlesore Guest

    Yes, that's correct Bill, as mentioned before by ShyBiker, whom you have
    plonked, Gerry the liar invited us over here, to challenge him if we had the
    balls. It's all Gerry the liar's shit, so why should we stuff up the flight
    sim group with Gerry the liars shit, when he invited us here. Again, as
    mentioned by ShyBiker, this shit spreading could all end NOW, it's up to
    Gerry the liar when it ends, or indeed if it escalates. Unfortunately, and I
    do feel for you, you guys have now suffered six days of this shit, the
    flight sim group has had this for eighteen months.
    That makes sense, Bill, but as Dallas has pointed out, its not about this
    group, its not about the flight sim group, its all about Gerry the liar, he
    needs the attention, he thrives on it, so we thought we would oblige HIS newsgroup. Gerry the liar could end this now.

    Please don't plonk me Bill, if we need to speak again, I will only come back
    under another identity. All the best to you.
    Saddlesore, Apr 26, 2011
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