Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by bikerbetty, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. bikerbetty

    Dallas Guest

    Yeah agreed, it would be a lot like tossing out your service metals.
    Dallas, Apr 25, 2011
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  2. bikerbetty

    Bill_h Guest

    It would seem you are highly plonkable as well. You have added nothing to
    the discussion except to continue an unpleasant attack on a denizen of
    this newsgroup.

    Bill_h, Apr 25, 2011
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  3. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    Look at all the header fields, Bill, he's the same guy who posts as
    Shy Biker and he also impersonated GWF. The dude's real name is
    Mike Winwood, he's ex-British army, and he's a troll and a wanker.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 25, 2011
  4. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    Due to legal advice, I am advised to make the following correction:

    Look at all the header fields, Bill, he's the same guy who posts as
    Shy Biker and he also impersonated GWF. A probability exists that
    he may be Mike Winwood, ex-British army, and that he's a troll and a

    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 25, 2011
  5. bikerbetty

    gdel.remove Guest

    Of course I agree with you in every respect. Vietnam has too many
    troubles of its own, then add to them imposters claiming privileges to
    which they have no right... the hurting just increases.
    As for the troll/s, they appear to have enlisted the assistance of a
    couple of our own. If WTF77 and GWF can't see or don't care that hey
    are being duped by trolls, then that's unfortunate. The only cure for
    trolls is to ignore them or if that's not possible, killfile them.
    They thrive on response, and they go away if they can't get one. One
    of them seems to have a problem with my label "knuckle dragger". I
    would refer them to a public library and look up Charles Darwin, but
    that would involve reading and comprehension, and would probably waste
    the time of some unfortunately librarian. Nah, best ignore them, and
    they will definitely go away if everyone ignores them.
    All the best.
    gdel.remove, Apr 25, 2011

  6. So sorry again Betty, but even as Gerry has said, another posted messages
    purporting to be from me.
    I saw those ones you refer to and wondered what the hell was going on, then
    I just let it go as if someone gets a thrill out of personating me, then may
    the gods be with them.
    I didn't post that lot at all
    Again, sorry Betty for your misteak and hope your eyes get better Betty
    George W Frost, Apr 25, 2011
  7. Oh Gerry, does this mean that for once you agree with me ??
    are we going steady now ?
    Okay, you can be my bitch.
    George W Frost, Apr 25, 2011
  8. Gee, I can't imagine that anyone would do such a thing like that ?
    George W Frost, Apr 25, 2011
  9. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    How about you cut BB a bit of slack, George, she wasn't aware that
    that "you" weren't you. Even you didn't realise that "you" weren't
    you, sof, to put it a bit more politely, George, **** off.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 25, 2011
  10. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    lol, what on earth is this place coming to when a person can't believe
    what's in front of their very eyes? I'm truly sorry George - and yes, this
    is meant very sincerely. It would never have entered my head that a message
    with your name in the sender field would be from somebody else, using your
    name. Trusting soul that I am, I generally believe the evidence before my
    eyes. Won't make that 'mistake' again, as long as those arse-clowns are in
    here stirring up trouble.

    <shaking head> I'm gobsmacked that someone would stoop so low as to
    impersonate somebody else in here - it's not very grown-up behaviour, is it?

    bikerbetty, Apr 25, 2011
  11. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    Oh betty... Oh dear... They've got you right where they want you.
    You see, I did similar things in that other group (but under very
    different circumstances), so now, stand by for their nar-nar-na-na-nar
    taunts. The children will now do the "you can blame Gerry for this"
    routine. Insane, I know, but there you go... Sorry you got caught
    in the middle.

    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 25, 2011
  12. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    Oh Gerry, I just wish they'd **** off and play their games somewhere else,
    that's all. There are some odd-bods in, and we have our arguments,
    sure, but ppl here are pretty genuine

    I accept ppl (and their posts) at face value, and having to check bloody
    headers to make sure I'm reading something from the person I THINK it's from
    is something I'm not prepared to start doing.

    If wanker trolls want to start nar nar-ing, well so be it. I'm a big girl
    and I won't be crying into my cab sav. They'll get tired of because
    in the end, this place is pretty decent. The strategies and games that might
    be a staple elsewhere won't fly here for very long.

    Now, if I had a bike right now, I'd ride off into the sunset, with a nice
    bit of celtic harp (and perhaps a fiddle) playing in the background, find a
    nice spot to camp, light a little fire and crack open a bottle of red. I'd
    stare into the flames and contemplate Life, and look forward to whatever
    real life adventures tomorrow might bring - and know that no moronic usenet
    trolls can have any effect on that.

    bikerbetty, Apr 25, 2011
  13. bikerbetty

    Bill_h Guest

    They're dredging the bottom of the barrel if they have to impersonate
    Bill_h, Apr 25, 2011
  14. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    They're trying to damage me and they don't care who gets caught in the
    crossfire. Silly idiots don't realise that I cannot be damaged.
    It's a pathetic farce in which they lose all integrity.

    I find it amusing, but I do apoligise to anyone who's disconcerted by
    their stupid, childish antics.

    Try and see the funny side, Betty. I assure it _is_ quite funny. It
    is _so_ just another microcosm of US/British foreign policy disasters.
    Quite spooky, really.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 25, 2011
  15. bikerbetty

    Bill_h Guest

    Are the dickheads getting *that* nasty? They're puerile cumstains,
    Bill_h, Apr 25, 2011
  16. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    They couldn't nail me over there, so they thought they'd achieve
    something by dragging their hatred over here.

    What they _have_ done is give me a shitload of ammo for next time they
    stick their stupid heads up "over there". ROFL.

    Should I charge for the entertainment? :)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 25, 2011
  17. bikerbetty

    atec77 Guest

    The relevant thing here is simple to resolve as we know taking the
    contrary line to gewwy usually produces the truth , an assumption was
    made that you were in the employ of Au at the time , I can't remember
    you mentioning just in who's employ you were in in 1961/62
    I googled a couple of things and got some answers
    Care to comment GW
    atec77, Apr 25, 2011
  18. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "bikerbetty" wrote
    Sub-fuggin-fumed? WTF? Are you a schoolteacher or sumthing?
    Yeah, sadly so. After a couple of speeches by a politician or two I
    felt quite ill. Why do we employ these fuckers?
    I did indeed. We gave a ride to a couple of very nice gents wearing a
    row of medals I had no idea of what they meant, and I thought, nice
    people, I wonder if they even know how exploited they were.
    I rode up on the Noggie and had to fill up at Toodyay. $1.58 a litre
    for the 98 octane stuff but I went 424 kms on 19.56 litres. 4.6 litres
    per 100 kms. Pretty reasonable for a 1200 tourer.

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 25, 2011
  19. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "ShyBiker" wrote
    Why don't you just **** off?

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 25, 2011
  20. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "bikerbetty" wrote
    Somebody impersonating George? You've got to be kidding! Were they
    trying to look like a wanker?

    I met some lovely people this morning who were actually in the armed
    serves in WW2. Nice guys. I respected them immensely but, at the same
    time, felt sorry for them.

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 25, 2011
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