Looking for an end can for my Trike, it's a GS 850 lump running into a 4-1 so I'm after a semi decent can. Not needing a racing can just something that's in good nick and will last a bit. Have a nice sound but won't course the windows to rattle when I start it. Anyone got anything? Thanks -- <--ROT13 it Spam Trap in Header GS850 Trike GHPOTHUF#69GPSTWIT#1 FOR SALE TOUCH SCREEN PC. E MAIL FOR DETAILS http://borg.no-ip.com
Not after a trick cam, it's for my trike[1] just want something that's going to last. Any idea where they sell these 'Scorpion' cans ? [1] Like you say an old engine but still a good one, I picked up a US Imported GS850 Custom for £250 with a very low mileage engine. The roads around here ain't made for speed and I'm not that bothered about speed just like a nice lump for the Trike. Thanks -- <--ROT13 it Spam Trap in Header GS850 Trike FOR SALE TOUCH SCREEN PC. E MAIL FOR DETAILS http://borg.no-ip.com
Ohh forget them, they cost more than the bike did -- <--ROT13 it Spam Trap in Header GS850 Trike FOR SALE TOUCH SCREEN PC. E MAIL FOR DETAILS http://borg.no-ip.com
Um, arshole - you interpreted BORGs "I'm after a semi decent can. Not needing a racing can just something that's in good nick and will last a bit." as him asking for advice on a "trick can"? Why? Just to be a tit? You also did a good job of insulting his bike. Then you told him to get a Scorpion or Quill race can(!) You thick, arrogant ****.
No FJ12 down pipes, they fit and have a bigger curve making them fit the Trike better. -- <--ROT13 it Spam Trap in Header GS850 Trike FOR SALE TOUCH SCREEN PC. E MAIL FOR DETAILS http://borg.no-ip.com