WTD: clear plastic gas tank

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by orange, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. Yes as a matter of fact I did.
    By virtue that I said he was right says that I was wrong.

    The definition of photon being a packet of light is old school and since I
    am not far away from being an official old fart I have an excuse.

    Now get off my case.

    R. Pierce Butler, Oct 15, 2005
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  2. orange

    Ed Cregger Guest

    When I first obtained internet service, I stumbled upon a mailing list
    (remember those?) about metaphysics at a large northeastern university.

    Their version of metaphysics was not what most people think of when they
    hear/see the word. It was about reality at its basest level, not magic, etc.
    It was fascinating reading. This was in late 95, early 96. The group
    dissolved, as has my memory of which university originated the mailing list.

    There are few times when I cannot think of something to say via the
    keyboard, but these folks outclassed my meager brain by such a huge margin
    that it was all I could do to understand what they were talking about. It
    was the best internet reading that I have ever come across, even after some
    ten years has passed. I sure wish I could find something like that again.

    Ed Cregger
    Ed Cregger, Oct 19, 2005
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  3. orange

    John Johnson Guest

    Well, there's always the professional philosophy journals, though these
    tend not to be quite so informal, nor informative.

    If it's metaphysical questions about science that get you going, the
    field of History and Philosophy of Science (my own) is probably a better

    Incidentally, it turns out that most of the famous 19th and 20th century
    physicists were quite interested in, and concerned about, metaphysics.
    Names that come particularly to mind include: Poincare, Einstein, Bohr,
    Heisenberg, Eddington. FWIW


    'indiana' is a 'nolnn' and 'hoosier' is a 'solkk'. Indiana doesn't solkk.
    John Johnson, Oct 19, 2005
  4. Ed,

    Many of the better mailing lists are gone and will never return. The
    internet first started at the educational level and as such the level of
    intellignce required just to get on automatically filtered out many of the
    idiots like Nomen Nescio. Sure we had idiots in those days, just a
    different class of idiot and fewer of them. I think much of the
    intelligent stuff is on internet II but in what form I have no idea. I am
    just speculating about I2 but it would seem to make sense.

    I remember back in the 80's looking for a mailing list that would discuss
    Compact Discs, the technology behind them, etc. I grabbed my printout of
    mailing lists and found something called the "CD Forum Mailing List".
    Perfect! I subscribed. The first few articles didn't make a lot of sense.
    Then I started to really get confused and wondered what the hell I had
    subscribed to. It all became clear when someone signed an article about
    the relative merits of Maidenform foundations as "Bob". After I had
    unsubscribed from the CD Forum Mailing List, I printed a new list that
    included a short description.

    R. Pierce Butler, Oct 28, 2005
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