Lets have a competition to see if anyone has had a worse day than me... I get up at about 1pm, and without having anything to eat or drink, I go out for a quick ride, with the plan of getting petrol then going round my sisters for some lunch. Reach a roundabout at the top of town, and as I'm going straight on, a BMW pulls on from the left, catching me with his right wing. According to a guy who saw it, me and the bike boh flew pretty high. Anyway, I'm lay there til a few people come over, slowly with assistance take my helmet, then gloves and jocket off. Get in the ambulance, where to cop comes for his little visit, says he can get the bike taken away, but for £150 or whatever it was, so I say I'll get the RAC to sort it for me. Get to hospital, and ask a nurse if I can sort getting my bke picked up, and she said that I would be able to sort it after they sorted me. It gets to 9pm, and they've sorted me out. I have a fractured wrist, which is now in plaster, and my left leg is hurting at the knee and ankle. Get outside, call my sister to pick me up and sort the RAC. The RAC go to collect the bike, and I get my sister BF to drive me past on the way back from the hospital. We get there, and the bike has gone bu the seat is still there, so I limp over and pick that up, then we head back home, presuming the RAC had got there. Turns out, they couldn't find it, so we called the police to see if they had taken it away in the end. They hadn't. So I know have one accident to sort out through the insurance, a fractured wrist, and a stolen bike. I think I need a hug... Actually, atm I feel strangly unphased, though I'm sure it will kick in soon.