Workshop recommendation in Leeds area

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Bugs, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. Bugs

    Bugs Guest


    I was looking to get my 1999 R6 serviced. I bought it from Colin Appleyards
    in Leeds and they can do the service. When I picked the bike up though they
    brake caliper was loose which has given me doubts about their workshops.

    Does anyone have any recommendations of good workshops in the Leeds area
    that I could try for a service? The nearest shop is a place called
    Startrights. The people there are friendly but my sister has had bad
    experience with them in the past. Others?


    Bugs, Oct 3, 2003
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  2. Bugs

    tallbloke Guest

    "Bugs" <> spouted the
    following in
    Do tell.
    tallbloke, Oct 3, 2003
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  3. Bugs

    lone rider Guest

    Why not go back to Colin Appleyards, tell them of your concerns about
    the loose caliper.If they apologise and look after you, let them
    service your bike - It's easy to tell if they care. Try to establish a
    working relationship with one of the bike shops, so they want to keep
    your custom. It's worked really well for me. If they treat you like
    dirt, search for someone you can work with. Good luck.
    Lone rider.
    lone rider, Oct 3, 2003
  4. Bugs

    Bugs Guest

    Why not go back to Colin Appleyards, tell them of your concerns about
    Thanks for the advice. Decided to stick with Appleyards for now. Hopefully
    the caliper was a one off.

    Main reason for sticking with them is that they have looked after the bike
    from new (ie last owner used them as well), so they know the bike. Staff are
    always very friendly and helpful when going into the shop as well so I'll
    give them another chance.

    Bugs, Oct 6, 2003
  5. Bugs

    Bugs Guest

    Startrights. The people there are friendly but my sister has
    My sister bought a scooter from them. After six months it was covered in
    rust and she had lost track of the number of times it had broken down. In
    the end she forced them to take it back and give a refund, which, to their
    credit, they did do.

    I also drive past Startrights quite often and you frequently see the
    mechanics stood around at the doors seemingly with nothing to do except
    drink and smoke. Just puts me off them.


    Bugs, Oct 6, 2003
  6. Bugs

    tallbloke Guest

    Did she leave it out in the rain or garage it?
    Graham is an honourable guy.
    It's a fairly relaxed working environment there, but the mechanics know
    what they are doing IME.
    tallbloke, Oct 6, 2003
  7. Bugs

    Bugs Guest

    Startrights. The people there are friendly but my sister has
    Bike was kept garaged

    Bugs, Oct 6, 2003
  8. Bugs

    tallbloke Guest

    I'm not doubting this, but I am wondering if the bike going rusty is the
    dealers responsibility.
    tallbloke, Oct 6, 2003
  9. Bugs

    Bugs Guest

    Startrights. The people there are friendly but my sister has
    Personally I think he just made a bad decision to stock very cheap, very
    poor quality scooters.

    As to who's responsibility it is I would say the dealer is the first point
    of contact and they should be sorting it with the manufacturer.


    Bugs, Oct 7, 2003
  10. Bugs

    tallbloke Guest

    But surely it's just as much the customers bad decision to buy one -
    caveat emptor and all that.
    Certainly the dealer should provide feedback to the manufacturer. And if
    the machine was unreliable as well as rust prone, I'd agree it's not the
    sort of bike you want to be selling.

    Graham is a sound bloke who's been around a long time. He doesn't make a
    lot, but he's dedicated to biking and has my respect anyway. I've bought
    a bike from him myself and have been happy with the deal I did.

    I do my own servicing so can't vouch for that.
    tallbloke, Oct 7, 2003
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