Woolies down

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wessie, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. wessie

    ogden Guest

    I have bought stuff in them.

    In the Reading 99p shop, for example, I bought a rather random cooling
    rack and fondue fork combo which, when combined with four empty beer
    cans, a campfire and a late night at the festival, made a wicked ersatz

    Compared to the queue for a porcelain shit at John Lewis, the 99p shop
    was almost civilised.
    ogden, Nov 29, 2008
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  2. wessie

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Maybe in some of the regiments they do but certainly not in the Paras.

    My youngest was going to join up and he had to be able to run around a
    playing field in boots and overalls within a set time period or they
    wouldn't even let him apply. I can't remember the distance or the time
    but it wasn't easy and he had to do a reasonable amount of training to
    be able to get under the target time.

    He also did a long weekend in Colchester with the Paras where he was
    expected to do the same tests as the recruits had after a fortnight
    and he came home with raw blisters on both hands from the ropes on the
    assault course and the log carrying.

    Given the way things have worked out in Iraq & Afghanistan I'm pretty
    glad he had shin splints and failed the medical but I don't think he
    was amused.
    Andy Bonwick, Nov 29, 2008
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  3. wessie

    fragmented Guest

    'ogden' wrote...>
    But you knock Tesco and Asda for being pikey?

    You can't get more pikey than a 99p shop, even charidee shops charge
    fragmented, Nov 29, 2008
  4. wessie

    ogden Guest

    Tesco in particular aspire to, and market themselves as, being non-
    pikey. But they're shit. There's a cheerful honesty about a pound shop.

    One year I got all my sister's birthday presents from a pound shop as a
    joke. She was delighted because it turned out she really needed pegs.
    ogden, Nov 29, 2008
  5. wessie

    Cab Guest

    Heheheh. Talk about pushing the boat out. :)
    Cab, Nov 29, 2008
  6. wessie

    fragmented Guest

    'ogden' wrote...>
    YMODV. MK is full of Tescos. The ones in pikey areas are definitely
    pikey, but the ones in the good areas are un-pikey, they get more money
    spent on them, get updated more frequently, better layout, etc.
    They just look sad to me. The last gasp of goods no one else wanted, or
    were too poor a quality for anywhere else, or iffy imported goods like
    Durallcell batteries and Nuke trainers.
    Hehe, women, we'll never know what they really want.
    fragmented, Nov 29, 2008
  7. wessie

    Beav Guest

    Oh yes we will/do. They want the same as we do and that's to get laid as
    regularly as possible.

    The old saying "Keep e'm poorly shod and well fucked" works as well today as
    it ever did.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Nov 30, 2008
  8. wessie

    Beav Guest

    And we're eating much, much more too.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Nov 30, 2008
  9. wessie

    Champ Guest

    Me too.
    Glad you're around to produce some numbers.
    Champ, Nov 30, 2008
  10. wessie

    dog Guest

    we pay about 25-30p in our local charity shop for plushies for the hound
    to play with (read: rip the heads off).
    dog, Dec 1, 2008
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