Woodland Alliance have new allies!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by JB, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. JB

    JB Guest

    The bloody flora is now out to get you too! Now it's conker trees of all
    things. Over the last few weeks some of the lanes I use on my commute have
    been getting a fair covering of conkers. These get squashed by the passing
    traffic. no real problem in the dry, but Jesus, with a 'bit of rain', the
    wet mulch has all the proprties of liquid teflon! 3rd gear wheelspins/slides
    on a lardy old FJ are a bit of a treat in the dark.
    I will now do a little laundry....

    JB, Oct 6, 2006
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  2. JB

    Snowleopard Guest

    That's odd - I was just saying to a friend today that there seemed to
    be an unusually large amount of squashed conkers on the road, and how
    lethal they looked.
    Snowleopard, Oct 6, 2006
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  3. JB

    JB Guest

    I reckon it's 'cos kids are no longer allowed to actually play conkers at
    school. The little dears may get hurt (and their parents sue the school).
    ***** Me*. It's bad enough that you can't get proper hands-on science
    lessons in schools any more for the same reasons. No more playing with
    'reactive metals', igniting bits of white phosphorous, rolling mercury
    around in your bare hands....
    Oh. As you were...

    JB, Oct 6, 2006
  4. Don't shout too loud or else someone will take their lead from this


    and close the road. The world has gone mad.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 6, 2006
  5. JB

    Buzby Guest

    Buzby, Oct 6, 2006
  6. JB

    Steve Parry Guest

    <fx: breathes sigh of relief> I am soooooo glad it's not just me who wonders
    about the world nowadays. :)
    Steve Parry, Oct 6, 2006
  7. There was one sensible council in the Torygraph today. Large conker tree, on
    council property near houses, children throwing heavy objects at it to
    harvest said things. These were badly aimed and had broken assorted local
    windows. Council sent out man with cherry picker, who harvested said conkers
    and left them in a big pile for the local children to use. Spokesman said
    cost of harvesting far less than the previous damage. Someone with a brain,

    Alison Hopkins, Oct 6, 2006
  8. JB

    JB Guest

    Probably find the person who's idea this was has now been
    reprimanded/suspended for having common sense.

    JB, Oct 6, 2006
  9. JB

    JB Guest

    I'm curious; at what point does the pressure to change the ludicrous
    concept that people are somehow unable to take responsibility for their
    own lives come into play?

    I mean, it can't go on like this forever. Can it? Surely at some point
    the great unwashed rise up and say "**** this for a game of tin
    soldiers". Don't we?

    I used to think Dante was bonkers. Now I'm beginning to see his point.[/QUOTE]

    It's all yer merkins' fault. No win, no fee....Fuckem. Fuckem all . Bar

    JB, Oct 6, 2006
  10. JB

    JB Guest

    Rather fitting.. Enjoy.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not really blaming anyone. It does seem to be human
    nature to try and take advantage of free cash (or the potential thereof) if
    it's rammed down your throat morning, noon and night in all of the media.

    JB, Oct 6, 2006
  11. JB

    sweller Guest

    It's only a few leaves and conkers and it affects your riding? You'll be
    saying you're too scared to go out on a blowy day just in case a leaf or
    conker gets you. What a joke!
    sweller, Oct 7, 2006
  12. JB

    deadmail Guest

    I used to throw things at trees and cars (as a kid) so I don't think
    these activities are mutually exclusive.

    I also used to shoot my air rifle at cars but that's another story.
    deadmail, Oct 7, 2006
  13. Oh, I've no problem with the throwing thing; this particular problem was to
    do with the closeness of the tree to breakables. I think if children had
    more chance to run safely wild - as I did - the world would be a better
    place. Far too bloody protected from imaginary ills.

    Alison Hopkins, Oct 7, 2006
  14. JB

    JB Guest

    Not a bad innings then. What's next then?

    JB, Oct 7, 2006
  15. Hard bastards, apparently. Reminds me; heard about the fruit-grower
    with a fetish for twins? Always coming in pairs.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Oct 8, 2006
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