"Woo-frickin'-hoo!" or "Am I getting old?"

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Wik, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. Wik

    Wik Guest

    I can't believe it's taken me so long to find a circular tuit to apply to
    this particular, perennial problem, but following a visit to that nice Mr.
    Falcke in Flitwick, both Suze and I are now proud owners of Gerbing Heated
    Gloves http://tinyurl.com/tclo

    I know there's a couple of peeps on here (Dr.G, for one) who've been avid
    supporters of the Giali stuff in the past, and other people we've met have
    recommended Widder, also.

    However, the reality is that neither of those two brands are sold as
    waterproof (although I'm aware that the Giali stuff can be improved with
    Nikwax or whatever) and the Widder gloves in particular are /stupidly/
    bulky, intended for Hog or 'Wing riding murricans to sit on the interstate

    The Gerbing stuff is simply /superb/. The gloves are /less/ bulky than my
    conventional winter gloves, are waterproof and windproof and breathable
    (thanks, Helsapor!) and are lined with 3M Thinsulate, too. Wow.

    The hook-up simply requires connection direct to the battery (the
    connector has its own 15A inline fuse) and away you go! Or rather, away I
    didn't go thanks to Kawasaki's stupid idea of sticking the battery in a
    slide out tray which requires one to take off both seats /and/ the plastic
    tank cover before one can take the battery tray plate off...

    What was a 10 minute job on Suze's Honda took over an hour and half on the
    -12R. >:-(

    Once hooked up, however, they are the mutts nuts! Rode up to Brummagen on
    Friday morning for a conference thing; *cough* mph on the M40 in the
    pissing, freezing rain for 110 miles - great! Toasty warm hands.


    In fact, the only problem I foresee now is finding the money to buy the
    heated jacket liner, heated trews and heated socks to go with it all!

    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2000 ZX12R-A1 -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Nov 2, 2003
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  2. Wik

    Abso Guest

    On 02/11/2003 at 17:45:37, Wik typed:

    Not forgetting the 5kW diesel generator strapped to the pillion pad to
    keep all that humming...
    Abso, Nov 2, 2003
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  3. Wik

    dwb Guest

    <snip sales>

    You got GLF'd didn't you? :)
    £420 to you Sir, judging by the prices on that site.

    I wonder how much power the whole lot draws as it would seem you can power
    the gloves and the trousers off of the jacket, and the socks off of the

    Nice and warm until you break down...
    dwb, Nov 2, 2003
  4. Wik

    deadmail Guest

    It would all be cumulative so assuming the full set of kit based on the
    site figures I reckon around 15.5A or 200 ish W at 13.2V.

    Mind you, drawing 15A with the headlights on I doubt that you'd get
    13.2V for that long; I would expect that this would flatten the battery.

    Then pushing the bike would keep you warm...
    deadmail, Nov 2, 2003
  5. Wik

    dwb Guest

    You can get uprated alternators though can't you, well at least for Honda's
    and BMW's...

    Though of course, if you were to complete the set, you'd need to have a
    bike-powered Autocom unit, as well as some sort of bike-powered GPS.

    Mobile phone and laptop charger optional.
    dwb, Nov 3, 2003
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