Wirral Egg Run Cancelled????

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Merlin, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. Merlin

    Merlin Guest

    Its not Liverpool. Look at the map!
    Merlin, Feb 25, 2005
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  2. Merlin

    Merlin Guest

    The CH post codes use the Chester Sorting office. One needs to be sure
    of one's fact before one presses the send button.
    Merlin, Feb 25, 2005
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  3. Merlin

    Merlin Guest

    ....and not full of Londoner's either.................
    Merlin, Feb 25, 2005
  4. Merlin

    Lozzo Guest

    Merlin says...
    The thieving scallies have moved south in search of richer pickings.
    Lozzo, Feb 25, 2005
  5. Merlin

    Verdigris Guest

    Maybe I'm missing something, but what on earth are you talking about? I
    have no doubt at all that a Chester post code means that letters come via
    the main Chester sorting office. That's what the post codes are *for*.

    But as my example implies, a Chester post code doesn't mean that the
    address is actually in Chester.
    Verdigris, Feb 25, 2005
  6. Merlin

    Lozzo Guest

    Verdigris says...
    We have an MK postcode here, but we live in mid-Bedfordshire. Milton
    Keynes, which is in Buckinghamshire, is 15 miles away.
    Lozzo, Feb 25, 2005
  7. Merlin

    rb Guest

    Agreed, as stated on the Royal Mail website the first one or two
    letters identify the sorting office that will process the mail, ****
    all to do with actual location.

    rb, Feb 25, 2005
  8. I did

    Boots Blakeley, Feb 26, 2005
  9. And I've got a Redhill post code despite living >25 miles from there
    and in a different county. Aldershot has Guildford post codes, doesn't
    mean anything other that a convenience for the Post Office.
    Been there, that was sufficient.
    Boots Blakeley, Feb 26, 2005
  10. Merlin

    SP Guest

    Oh, really? So why did the 'other side' lose their CH postcodes for a
    number of years into the L postcode, only to be re-instated at their
    previous pc later on? It all has a bearing on your insurance, too.

    And why does the postcode have such a bearing on your insurance anyway?
    I'm not in the Liverpool district, I don't pay any taxes to the
    Liverpool district, so why should I be penalised because I have an L23
    due to the restruction of boundaries that occured when I was 7?

    Oh, as they are currently deciding whether or not we get our post
    sorted elsewhere, does that mean our postcode changes again? I think

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Feb 26, 2005
  11. Merlin

    SP Guest

    Nope, look at the map and don't try and be a numbnunts.

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Feb 26, 2005
  12. Merlin

    SP Guest

    How long ago..?

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Feb 26, 2005
  13. Merlin

    SP Guest

    And failed.

    HTH even further.

    Merseyside is not Liverpool, Merseyside encompesses a larger area that
    ranges from Southport through to the boundaries of Cheshire. [1]

    Now, as the regional boundaries change throughout our lives, I'm sure
    that Ian can appreciate that there will be significant differences.

    He is cordially invited up to my pub to peruse the (very old) map on
    the wall that will, without doubt, tell him he is not too well up on
    this subject. I'll even buy him a pint or three. If he can manage it.

    [1] Mersey Regional Ambulance Service [2] covers Cheshire, it's a wide
    area you know.

    [2] HQ in Anfield.

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Feb 26, 2005
  14. Merlin

    rb Guest

    Did you actually read the link I posted? I know I wrapped it so here is
    the appropriate section cut and pasted for you.
    "The first one or two letters is the postcode area and it identifies
    the main Royal Mail sorting office which will process the mail"
    Sorry to have touched a nerve.
    rb, Feb 26, 2005
  15. Merlin

    Lady Nina Guest

    left unsnipped for context.
    Can I put in a vote for it not being Liverpool? Because if Southport
    is in Liverpool that makes me a scouser...
    Can I come? I like old maps. has it got 'here be scallies' on it?
    Lady Nina, Feb 26, 2005
  16. You really do take this all ever so seriously
    Boots Blakeley, Feb 26, 2005
  17. ~ 10 years, several visits for work
    Boots Blakeley, Feb 26, 2005
  18. Merlin

    Verdigris Guest

    Post Codes do not directly relate to an administrative area. However,
    they *do* relate to a specific group of addresses. They have become
    increasngly used by bodies other than the Post Office - FedEx won't
    deliver a parcel without a Post Code, for example, and I routinely use
    them with MultiMap and its ilk. Insurance Companies just use them in that

    They could say "Ooh! Liverpool! That'll be expensive then." But then
    folk will just claim "Actually I don't live in Liverpool." The post code,
    however - regardless of whether it's a L, a CH or an XYZ - tells the
    truth, so you get to pay the going rate for where you live.

    To be fair, there is a bit of an issue with the lack of granularity used
    by the Insurance Companies. The full post code goes down to quite a small
    area but Insurance Companies tend to stop with just the first part of the
    code, which can include a wide range of different areas.
    I know of several instances of places where the post code has been changed
    for just this sort of reason. It can be tricky, though, because folk get
    used to a particular code and keep using it even though it may be out of

    In fact, you yourself talked of "the other side" swapping between "L" and
    "CH" codes.
    Verdigris, Feb 26, 2005
  19. Merlin

    Verdigris Guest

    Thanks. :)
    Verdigris, Feb 26, 2005
  20. Merlin

    wessie Guest

    Verdigris emerged from their own little world to say
    I got a bit confused when I started looking for houses for my mum in
    Monmouth a short while ago.

    When I worked there the postcodes all began NP5 as the town had it's own
    sorting office. I tried searching for houses in districts where I thought I
    remembered the postcode format. E.g. we lived in NP5 3AR in the 70s so
    anything simialr to that would be close to an area she was familiar with
    even if it was a new development. So I thought.

    Apparently, the sorting office closed and the area became a subset of
    Newport West, NP20, with the postcodes having the NP25 prefix. However, the
    cunts could not simply add a 2 to the existing codes. Nope, they had to
    completely reassign the suffixes too. NP25 3AR is 2 miles from my old
    address at NP5 3AR.
    wessie, Feb 26, 2005
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