Wireless connections

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Beav, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. Beav

    Pip Luscher Guest

    The USB dongle that came with my Netgear router needed manual setting
    up: the press-button process never worked.

    Wasn't that difficult, though I recall there was a stage where it
    offered manual set-up, but only after a couple of retries.
    Pip Luscher, May 4, 2011
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  2. Beav

    Ben Guest

    I'd hazard a guess because the hub is Netgear and the dongles are
    Cisco, that might explain why the one-button isn't working. It
    probably should, but I don't imagine the standards are particularly
    well implemented.
    Ben, May 4, 2011
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  3. Beav

    R C Nesbit Guest

    Ben spoke:
    Now when I said much the same thing here a few years ago I was
    denounced as a know-nothing numptie!

    uppercase(d) BBIWYMC#1 BOG#11? MRO#31 IBCDBBB#1(kotl)
    FJ1200, CCM130 Benelli Cabriolet (gone)
    Looks like Rab C Nesbit.
    R C Nesbit, May 6, 2011
  4. Beav

    petrolcan Guest

    There's a reason for that.
    petrolcan, May 6, 2011
  5. Beav

    Pip Guest

    Not for the first time, mind - and certainly not the last!
    Pip, May 6, 2011
  6. Beav

    ginge Guest

    did they even have push button to sync wpa key kit a few years ago?
    ginge, May 6, 2011
  7. Beav

    Beav Guest

    But as they were both supplied by Virgin for the express purpose of
    wirelessly linking the PC to the hub, one would've thought the pair would
    .... pair..

    Anyway, I've gone the wired route again. New wire from the PC in my music
    room (the old one was too short for the relocated/replaced router) and all
    buried behind the skirting boards. Can't see any wires, can't trip over them
    and they fucking just work.
    Beav, May 7, 2011
  8. Beav

    Ben Guest

    A fair point. In that case, I'd have been shouting at Virgin to send
    out an engineer to make the kit work.

    When they fitted my 50Mb service (an upgrade from 10Mb), the chap
    didn't leave until he'd checked that all my machines could access the
    internet by the mechanism I'd chosen.

    Of course, I had to do it all for him as they're all Macs, but at
    least he checked it all worked.
    Ben, May 7, 2011
  9. Beav

    Beav Guest

    Well as much as I love the speed the Virgin broadband gives (never less than
    29 meg since I went to the 30meg setup) and the reliability of their
    service, I can't fucking handle their "technicians". They appear to know
    less than me when it comes to the TV/Interwebby stuff and it took them 8
    visits to sort out my TV. I'd only get them here if there was absolutely no
    alternative. Wires gave me the alternative, but the 2 wireless dongles are
    winging their way back for a refund.
    My chap was a bloke from UPS and I didn't think he'd be much use either :)
    They (Virgin) didn't send an engineer, just a package and a phone number.
    The bloke on the phone was good (Scots geezer) but the problem was the
    dongles. They're fucking shite. And to think I got the Virgin dongles so I
    wouldn't have "issues". Shows what I bloody know eh?
    Beav, May 11, 2011
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