Wire Rope Barriers

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. Zebee Johnstone

    conehead Guest

    In Tasmania they don't like the posts popping out of the ground when the
    wire ropes are in action. Seems it's taking too long to re-align the
    uprights and a bit costly to get new ones, so they're concreting them into
    the road.

    In places we have them less than a metre from the edge of the lane

    Somehow I don't think my safety is being enhanced by this stuff.
    conehead, Jun 11, 2004
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    Deevo Guest

    Because of the angle which you hit them. A solid concrete barrier hit at an
    acute angle would allow you to slide and/or roll in the direction of the
    barrier while hitting a solidly mounted vertical upright (or a tree) at
    right angles to the direction you're travelling would not. Simple physics

    WA, The Nanny State (® Corks)
    Deevo, Jun 11, 2004
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Richard Fay Guest

    Except he said it was a tight downhill bend... Wouldn't that suggest he
    didn't hit it at an acute angle.
    I've seen what happens to a motorcylcist that hits a concrete
    barrier/embankment at an obtuse (?) angle.
    Massive internal injuries/bleeding. Dead on side of road within 40mins :(

    Richard Fay, Jun 11, 2004
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest

    You undermine your attempt at an argument.

    On the facts I doubt rider training would have made much difference,
    however the barrier in question wasn't implemented to the appropriate
    road safety standards, and if it was a car driver involved, given they
    do indeed have a lower standard of training than motorcyclists,
    including a far lower average rate of post licence training

    John Littler, Jun 13, 2004
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest

    Because the poeple who build it aren't neccessarily the people who have
    to maintain it ?

    Who builds roads - federal and state.

    Who maintains roads ? State and local govt.

    You work it out

    John Littler, Jun 13, 2004
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest

    Yes Richard, hitting things when you come off a bike is bad news, there
    are however survival probability differences between various impacts -
    realistically a m/c-ist hitting any hard object at right angles isn't
    going to get up and walk away if he's doing any speed at all. There are
    however very big differences between survival rates of different
    roadside furniture. If you are genuinely interested and not taking the
    piss I can send you on CD a whole heap of studies.

    John Littler, Jun 13, 2004
  7. I'd be interested in that too.

    I'll send you a copy of the report I was involved in when it gets finished.

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Jun 13, 2004
  8. I was wondering if there are different types of WRB's as with all the
    ones I've seen (in VIC) the uprights are made of rather flimsy plastic
    that would do little more than give a person a nasty bruise, they are
    there mearly to hold the rope at the right height?


    '84 Yamy XT600, Still goin' strong!

    www.cobracat.com (home of the Australian Cobra Catamaran)
    Stan Blazejewski, Jun 15, 2004
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    sharkey Guest

    Plastic? The ones I've looked at are 1/4" or so galvanized steel,
    bent into a gentle S-curve for rigidity.

    (with a little plastic cap on top.)


    sharkey, Jun 16, 2004
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    conehead Guest

    Have you had a close look at one?

    I doubt they are made of flimsy plastic, I doubt that flimsy plastic would
    hold up multiple strands of 25mm steel rope, and I doubt that you would only
    get bruised if you hit one (or more) at anything above walking speed.
    conehead, Jun 16, 2004
  11. And even if they were 'flimsy plastic', that means one of two things.
    That they bend, or that they break. And the latter... Sharp jagged
    plastic at medium to high velocity...

    Morgan Vening
    Morgan Vening, Jun 16, 2004
  12. Zebee Johnstone

    Centurion Guest

    I'd be interested in that CD John. I can send you a blank CDR and return
    postage if you prefer.

    Contact me off list at "james AT grayonline DOT id DOT au"


    Centurion, Jun 17, 2004
  13. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest

    Contact me off list (note use iprimus address)

    John Littler, Jun 17, 2004
  14. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest

    Remind me not to make offers on this newsgroup <grin>

    Righto to those who responded I'll dump what I've got on CDs some time
    in the next week or two (I'll try not to do my usual and forget :-(

    John Littler, Jun 20, 2004
  15. Zebee Johnstone

    Mike.S Guest

    I have to admit i'm interested too.
    Can you shoot me an email at msim @t iinet d0t net d0t au so i know where to send a blank cd-r if you wouldnt mind please.



    Mike.S, Jun 21, 2004
  16. Zebee Johnstone

    John Littler Guest

    Oh friggin' heck ! What have I started* ?!

    Zebee I think I've found something to put on your top 5 list !

    OK, I faithfully promise to collate all the safety study docs I can lay
    my sticky little fingers on (including a number the ACRS have promised
    to make available to me) and make them available for a) download and b)
    by CD to a limited number

    Time frame 1-4 weeks (life's busy)

    (*ausmoto rep #2 for MCC NSW - i guess I kinda volunteered didn't I ?
    <grin> )
    John Littler, Jun 21, 2004
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