so its the posts and not the wire ropes that dice you up ?
The Victorian State Government has formally announced the trial of protective barriers on wire rope barriers that should stop motorcyclists colliding with the poles. There's also a little bit of argey-bargey about the money raised by the motorcycle safety tax^H^H^H levy that's collected $2 million more than forecast. That's one hell of a sausage sizzle. It's an Age article, so registration may be required. Wire barrier studies to address biker fears By Ian Munro December 24, 2004 The State Government is considering modifying its wire rope road safety barriers after persistent criticism from motorcyclists. Money from the $50 safety levy on motorbike registrations will be used to test three devices designed to stop fallen riders from sliding into upright posts in the wire rope and other barrier systems. Approving the trials yesterday, Transport Minister Peter Batchelor said relatively few riders crash into barriers, "but there is international research evidence that . . . those who strike barriers are more likely to be killed or seriously injured". Figures obtained by The Age this week indicate the safety levy will reap at least $2 million more than Government estimates. Completed projects have used about $3 million of the $7.9 million raised in the first two years of the levy, but the latest approvals mean $6.2 million has been committed. Mr Batchelor said that in addition to the barrier trials, three rural motorcycle black spots would be tackled. More at I believe one of the routes is the GOR. I'd assume another is Reefton Spur? Don't know about the third. There's nothing on the Dept of Infrastructure or VicRoads websites about this. - sanbar
In on Fri, 24 Dec 2004 10:32:13 +1100 Yup. Look at them, and figure what angle you will be hitting, and how much give they don't have. You'll have a second or two of sliding along the rope, followed by heaps of energy being concentrated on the post, using your body to cushion the shock.... Zebee
Concentrated on those plastic poles, which one would like to think will break fairly quickly and allow you to continue to slide along the wires to the next plastic pole? G
In on 24 Dec 2004 20:41:41 +1100 There's plenty of the stuff around, wander out and try and break one by throwing yourself against it repeatedly. Let us know how you get on... Zebee
I do know that the Officer in Charge of Traffic from Bairnsdale has submitted a request for some of the funds for a project ?? on the Great Alpine Road. Am not sure exactly what it is, but I hinted to the possibility on this n.g., when discussing the antics of a rider speeding through Omeo a couple of weeks back Now that we have been invaded, many of us with bikes over this way, go to earth at this time of year. I might be wrong but there was a rumor that un-marked bikes might be the go. Rockit ps for any contemplating the trip, if they are still there, you would have to be an idiot to disregard the speed restriction signs on a relatively short section of road between Bruthen and Ensay.
I am heading off on Monday and travelling through that area, probably via the Princess to Genoa depending on the weather (not looking too good at the moment). Am heading for Batemans Bay. Like last year, I will probably try and stay on the limit as I am not really in a great hurry and would like to take in the scenery (better than Punt fuggen Rd at peak hour, and far more enjoyable). col
They're using steel poles here. I thought these things were supposed to pull free when hit, too, but they were solidly embedded in concrete. When they changed the alignment of the causeway, they cut them off with a gas cutter then angle-ground the jagged bits.
Must admit, I've not looked at one up close. The 'plastic' thing comes second hand from someone who has apparently seen video of cars hitting the stuff, etc, etc. If the bits I've looked at from a moving car over the past few days are plastic, then they're doing a pretty unconvincing job of being plastic. Must stop and poke one one day. G