Wintersun ride report

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by BT Humble, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    A cold start, and a long day. Stayed at "The Area" pub in Griffith,
    which had good food but was a bit pricey for the quality of room

    Tarago 07:30 28,078
    Goulburn 08:50 28,134 3.5l*
    Bowning 10:30 28,230 2.5l
    Wallendbeen 11:55 28,306
    Temora 14:00 28,372 3.5l
    Griffith 17:10 28,530 4.5l

    A little bit of trouble starting the bike in the morning, met up with
    the crowd just past Euston. Marty and Nev caught me by surprise and
    blatted past at a brisk pace, if I'd seen them coming I would have
    wound on the throttle & held pace with them. ;-)

    By the time I reached Mildura the bike was stalling at traffic lights
    and such, it later turned out to be the exhaust valve clearance
    closing up.

    Griffith 17:10 28,530
    Hay 10:45 28,700 4.3l
    Balranald 13:30 28,839 3.7l
    Euston 15:15 28,922 2.2l
    Mildura 17:00 29,011

    Spent the morning sorting out what was wrong with the bike. Spent the
    evening drunk.

    Still drunk.

    Most of the gang were still packing up when I left. I filled up on
    the way out of town, then kep going. The Happy Drunk passed me
    between Euston and Balranald. I still had an hour of daylight when I
    arrived at Griffith so I kept going to Barellan and saved myself an
    hour of travel time on the second day. The pub at Barellan is a
    pretty nice and quite affordable ($43 for a room, a steak dinner, and
    two drinks).

    Mildura 07:45 29,076
    Euston 09:10 29,158
    Balranald 10:30 29,240 4.2l
    Hay 13:00 29,378 3.4l
    Griffith 16:10 29,544 4.3l
    Barellan 17:10 29,595

    The exhaust valve was playing up again, and I had to push the bike
    started in the morning. When I found some hills just after Temora I
    finally gave up, pulled over on the side of the road, unpacked all my
    gear to get to the tools, and fixed it. It's really only a 5-minute
    job, but I always pack th heaviest stuff down the bottom of the esky.
    For some reason the locknut on the rocker was 9mm, what's with that?
    I had to tighten it with a 10" shifter, which only barely fitted.
    Once that was fixed, the 55kph/3rd gear hills were doable at 65kph in

    Yass was fearfully cold and windy. I met a young lass there who was
    very tough. She was riding pillion on a TT600, heading back to
    Victoria. She was wearing jeans, with no overpants. She was wearing
    a 60l backpack with all of the gear in it. Wow. ;-)

    The final 50km from Goulburn to Tarago were the worst, because that
    was the point at which my tailwind became a 50kph crosswind. With the
    tailwind I was able to run at 80kph up the Hume. :-D

    Barellan 17:10 29,595
    Temora 09:10 29,704 4.1l
    Yass 12:10 29,852 4.2l
    Goulburn 13:50 29,944
    Tarago 15:00 29,999.8

    Then this morning I rode The Jackal in to work. What a difference!
    The size! The weight! The power! The suspension that actually
    suspenses! GPX250 touring rocks! ;-)

    * Includes the previous night's 80km from Canberra.
    BT Humble, Jun 16, 2004
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  2. I thought about slip streaming for a moment :)

    The Happy Drunk
    The Happy Drunk, Jun 16, 2004
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  3. BT Humble

    Marty H Guest

    the givi people reckon that the pannier are only good to

    cant remember that!

    did the tail wind help??

    Marty H, Jun 16, 2004
  4. BT Humble

    Mad Biker Guest

    The area's the worst pub in town in my op, new owners just brought it and
    threw out the pool table, which has improved it 100% otherwise yo uprobably
    would have been assaulted for being in their..

    oh and that blood trail from the gents has a story behind it - which does
    not involve violence more of too much alcohol which ate the stomach causing
    somebody to loose half there blood through there arse..

    You should have stayed at the Vic up the road, much better food and much
    better rooms.. although every 2nd person is a cop :)

    and ya could have said hello to me
    Mad Biker, Jun 16, 2004
  5. BT Humble

    Goaty Guest

    Sounds like a wonderful person to me!

    Goaty, Jun 16, 2004
  6. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    I was doing ~65kph across most of the Hay plain, when I turned NE onto
    the Mid Western it was an almost-crosswind though.

    The 100km up the Hume from Yass to Goulburn was great fun though - a
    50kph tailwind let me do it all at 80! :-D

    BT Humble, Jun 16, 2004
  7. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Really? Mate, you need to travel and see more of the country! ;-)
    Yairs, and in another of the meaningless coincidences that plague my
    life when I wandered in and asked the barman about a room he said
    "You're from Canberra and I know you." It turns out that he's the new
    owner, and he was also the AMP agent who handled my income protection
    insurance a few months ago.
    I had a look, and it was very nice, but $75 a night was just a tad too
    There's no pleasing some people! I said a week ago that I'd be
    staying overnight in Griffith, but you never mentioned that you lived
    there! ;-)

    BT Humble, Jun 16, 2004
  8. BT Humble

    sharkey Guest

    I like the way BT remains completely oblivious to the bloke
    or blokette she was presumably pillioning behind ...

    sharkey, Jun 16, 2004
  9. BT Humble

    smack Guest

    a rack, with a rack that you can **** ;)


    people think I know **** nothing...

    showing my biggus side
    smack, Jun 17, 2004
  10. BT Humble

    Mad Biker Guest

    The area's the worst pub in town in my op,
    Yes im sure there are much worse pubs :) i prefer caravan parks :)
    Yeah Peter Miller i believe? i go riding with hsi son...

    Cant say ive stayed there :) good food though steep that part too..
    Ah probably missed it :-( or was when my newsgroups were down on DumDo

    ps my peugeot 405mi16 blew up, anybody got a fuel pump/relay for one?
    Mad Biker, Jun 17, 2004
  11. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Hey, you're lucky I noticed the *bike* ;-)

    BT Humble, Jun 17, 2004
  12. BT Humble

    Knobdoodle Guest

    The rack with the rack could pack a whack back in your sack, Smack!
    Knobdoodle, Jun 18, 2004
  13. BT Humble

    Mike.S Guest

    Bah, you're slack

    Mike.S, Jun 21, 2004
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