It's not going to be happening today It's only about a week since I last ventured into the garage, the bike was put away, facing out so I could just open the doors, wheel it out and get going. <rhetorical> How much mess can people who are not me make in such a short time?! I have had to move half the garage contents out of the way first. I had a go on the pogo stick, the stilts and the space hopper, wound up the hose pipe, started to put the lawn mower and strimmer in the back bit then realised there was far too many things in the way, so shuffled them across. I moved the big garden chairs to one side, kicked the extension lead under the pink thing, moved a bucket and a cool box (where and why they are out I don't know) and wheeled the ZXR out. Where upon the fucker refused point blank to start. So much for my bimble around Edale then on to this evenings activities. <sulk>