
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Eatmorepies, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. Eatmorepies

    Eatmorepies Guest

    From: "ogden" <>
    Subject: What would you spend £1.5m on?
    Date: 24 November 2004 22:32

    "Winkie, a pigeon that flew 129 miles with her wings clogged with oil to
    save a downed bomber crew."

    This could have been changed to;

    "Winkie, a pigeon, flew 129 miles with her wings clogged with oil."

    "A downed bomber crew was saved."

    The causality needs removing to prevent mental disturbance to people who
    think that pigeons are short on altruism and long on homing instinct.

    Eatmorepies, Nov 25, 2004
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  2. Eatmorepies

    Klaatu Guest

    Pidgin english.
    Klaatu, Nov 25, 2004
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  3. Eatmorepies

    prawn Guest

    OK, who saw Ken Campbell's Macbeth [MAKBED][1] in Pidgin English? IIRC,
    it was his project for the Millennium, so it's probably not being
    performed any more. If he revives it though, recommended. In fact his
    one man shows are of the must see variety.

    [1] Googles:

    PS it's 'blong' and not 'belong'. I remember that much.
    prawn, Nov 26, 2004
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