
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cane, Sep 5, 2003.

  1. Cane

    Lozzo Guest

    Ginge fascinated us all by saying...
    Lozzo, Sep 6, 2003
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  2. I've still got her posting to all and sundry[1], detailing the thrills
    and spills of the 1999 trip to the Bol[2], archived.

    Ah, wtf. Here it is:

    [1] We phoned her from bandol beach
    [2] Still the greatest Bol trip I did - and I did 14.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 6, 2003
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  3. I'm sorry, I can't make my fingers work - it was 2002. Apologies if that
    error upset anybody reading it.
    Paul Corfield, Sep 6, 2003
  4. Cane

    Petel Guest

    Ditto..I`ve got her to thank for my nick :)
    Petel .( wearing it with pride girl.)
    02 M2 Buell.
    Petel, Sep 6, 2003
  5. Wouldn't beer-mats be more the style? (Or vodka-and-orange mats...?)

    Ivan Reid, Electronic & Computer Engineering, ___ CMS Collaboration,
    Brunel University. Room 40-1-B12, CERN
    GSX600F, RG250WD. "You Porsche. Me pass!" DoD #484 JKLO# 003, 005
    WP7# 3000 LC Unit #2368 (tinlc) UKMC#00009 BOTAFOT#16 UKRMMA#7 (Hon)
    KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".
    Dr Ivan D. Reid, Sep 6, 2003

  6. ****.
    Some of you may remember I was around in the days of Windy and Mat Tab,
    then took an extended leave for various reasons.

    I read about Mat Tab some time ago, when someone mentioned a related
    topic. I've wondered about Windy's absence but never thought to google,
    especially knowing how much a search would return - she was a major
    poster iirc!

    Perhaps google does have a use after all. Shame it's not such a happy one :(

    So if no one minds, a belated RIP+associated thoughts and my next
    (several) beers for the pair of them, and anyone else that removed
    themself from UKRM in the most drastic manner.
    Doesnotcompute, Sep 6, 2003
  7. Cane

    Ginge Guest

    ISTR Anne Jackson suggested mouse mats....
    Ginge, Sep 6, 2003
  8. Cane

    darsy Guest

    **** me - they buried her a bit early, eh?
    darsy, Sep 6, 2003
  9. yeah, yeah. I got it wrong. I've apologised.
    Paul Corfield, Sep 6, 2003
  10. Cane

    Pip Guest

    Aye. Bollocks in throat - least of his problems.
    Pip, Sep 6, 2003
  11. Cane

    dog Guest

    dixit The Older Gentleman:
    i've still got some mp3s: cruisin', motor bikin', and pawel the christmas
    gerbil, if anyone wants to share some blasts from the past.
    dog, Sep 6, 2003
  12. Cane

    Mike Hill Guest

    I'd appreciate you emailing them mate. I lost them on the last
    computer change :-( I don't post here very often, but do remember a
    lot of Windy's posts. It seems a bit less *lively* since she left.
    Ta, Mike.

    ps. feeling bloody sad now :-(
    Mike Hill, Sep 6, 2003
  13. Cane

    Klaatu Guest

    Nicely pu.t and AOL
    Klaatu, Sep 7, 2003
  14. Cane

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Just a tip - if you're looking for someone to step into that role: don't
    ask Rope.
    Ben Blaney, Sep 7, 2003
  15. Cane

    Ben Blaney Guest

    <raises hand>
    Ben Blaney, Sep 7, 2003
  16. Cane

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    I've still got his last voicemail message to me.
    Alan.T.Gower, Sep 7, 2003
  17. Cane

    Ginge Guest

    I wish I'd still got a few of the ones he left me, they were hillarious.

    One of my favourites went:

    "Hello.. This isn't the voicemail of <pause> (then in strong SW accent)
    Matthew Taberner.. I wanted to speak to Matthew Taberner.. No, ang on
    that's me. Well anyhow, phone me up you ginger twat." <pause> "How
    the **** to I switch this thing...." <hangs up>
    Ginge, Sep 7, 2003
  18. Cane

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    Something along the lines of:

    "Oi you shortarse Welsh cu*t where are you? It's Mat here, sitting
    alone at Sarratt. Get your are down here now and I'll get you a pint."
    Alan.T.Gower, Sep 7, 2003
  19. On Sun, 7 Sep 2003 15:06:26 +0100, Bear

    [the assorted voicemails of Mat Tab]
    Well those recollections have made me smile.

    I once got such a long message from him it ran to two calls! If ever
    the word unique could genuinely be applied to someone then Mat is that
    Paul Corfield, Sep 7, 2003
  20. Alan.T.Gower wrote
    She had a mobile?

    She never told me she had one. She always insisted they was too
    expensive or something "A price too high to pay" was what she said when
    I mentioned swapping numbers once.
    steve auvache, Sep 8, 2003
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