Will there be a Wednesday ride?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. louie

    louie Guest

    The rain that was predicted for the early part of this week has dried up.
    Still, I received this information too late to set my riding plans up a day
    or two.

    We're thinking of leaving Wednesday, going out 377/67 to 83 and on down to
    Uvalde. Coming back from Del Rio up 377. We going to take 3 or 4 days,
    spending the nights in whatever town looks interesting. We want to spend
    some time in the Camp Wood area.

    Bjay can leave n.e.,tx on Tuesday trailering, spend the nite in FtWorth,
    then ride on with us.

    All are welcome to accompany, meet, or skip this event.

    louie, Dec 10, 2006
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  2. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's a damned good trip and a nice ride.. Sure wish I could make it, but
    there's some family complications that will cause me to stay close, for the
    next few days..

    Ya'll have a good ride and think about me, now and then, OK.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 11, 2006
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  3. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    > wrote in message
    ~The rain that was predicted for the early part of this week has dried
    up. Still, I received this information too late to set my riding plans
    up a day or two.
    We're thinking of leaving Wednesday, going out 377/67 to 83 and on down
    to Uvalde. Coming back from Del Rio up 377. We going to take 3 or 4
    days, spending the nights in whatever town looks interesting. We want to
    spend some time in the Camp Wood area.
    Bjay can leave n.e.,tx on Tuesday trailering, spend the nite in FtWorth,
    then ride on with us.
    All are welcome to accompany, meet, or skip this event.

    First I want to compliment you on ''wanting'' to ride, and often. I
    guess it's because you and Gail, are really enjoying that Kiwesocky
    Fancy Crotch TourBike.
    But, thiiiiiiiiisssssss time,I gotta skip it..
    Louie,I cant make every ride,---you unner-stand(?)
    BJayKana, Dec 11, 2006
  4. louie

    redshad Guest

    Let me help you clarify that family complication statement..What Bill
    is really trying to say is that he CANT get a kitchen pass and the
    mexican still has the check book hidden from him. LMAOOOOOOO

    redshad, Dec 11, 2006
  5. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    "every ride"? You haven't made ANY rides!
    Brian Walker, Dec 11, 2006
  6. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    hehehe.. He rode from Mt. Pleasant to Maud, almost.. and then on into
    New Boston.. A telephone call from someone saved the day for Bjay
    and he abruptly left the group while they were eating lunch .. Must've
    been at least fifty miles involved in that little trip..

    Well.. that's something ..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 11, 2006
  7. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. Not quite, but I'd have said that if it were the case.. Damn.. that's
    family complications that anyone can relate to..

    Anyway, those family complications may cause me to have to make a
    fast trip to Guadalajara, just any time.. Rather than flying, I'd much
    prefer to ride.. Think you might get a kitchen pass to make that little
    trip ? Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 11, 2006
  8. louie

    redshad Guest

    That was his woman yelling at him to get his ass home and to get there
    quick. His kitchen pass had expired probably 30 minutes into the

    redshad, Dec 11, 2006
  9. louie

    redshad Guest

    I dont think I can get that much time off of work. I still havent got
    my motorcycle all fixed up yet. Its in the works.

    redshad, Dec 11, 2006
  10. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoo.. Hoooo... Sounds like a Kitchen Pass issue, to me.. LMAO

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 11, 2006
  11. louie

    redshad Guest

    Kitchen pass from work issue. They have a new system in place. If you
    dont have the vacation time to take off, the answer is no. They dont
    want you to take off without pay. What the "F" kind of deal is that?
    They used to have the code AWP (away without pay) to use if you didnt
    have vacation time and you took off. No more..its simple..no time..no
    time off. The company is having hard times right now so they are making
    people use a day of vacation time every two weeks. They do this to keep
    from laying people off. The poor ole company only made 12 billion in
    profit instead of the 22 billion they were hoping for. Wont be long and
    they will be asking us to work a day FREE to help out the company.

    redshad, Dec 11, 2006
  12. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's one thing I like about my company. When I say I'm taking the
    time off, I get the time off. I've had a couple times where something
    happened while I took off, but for the most part they understand when I
    say I need to take a day or two off.

    The problem with riding from now to the end of the year, I'm booked up!
    Brian Walker, Dec 11, 2006
  13. louie

    redshad Guest

    Well one thing negative about not riding the rest of the year is you
    might forget a few things. One of the positives is theres a few guys on
    here thats willing to give you some riding lessons and get you all back
    in shape again. You will be riding in circles before you know it.

    redshad, Dec 11, 2006
  14. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    But, our resident circle riding pro can't seem to remember where he
    lives or who's phone he's answering!
    Brian Walker, Dec 11, 2006
  15. louie

    louie Guest

    It would be good if you could make the little ride, but if u can't u ain't.
    roger on the O.K.

    We just got back from out PK way. We were out later than intended and when
    that sun went behind those little hills out there it got cold quick. It was
    nice this afternoon and should be throughout the week. Gotta do something to
    get those cowboys off my mind. How 'bout dem Cowboys?


    louie, Dec 11, 2006
  16. louie

    louie Guest

    All those other rides, ah, the memories!

    louie, Dec 12, 2006
  17. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    said this about Riding;''The problem with riding from now to the end of
    the year, I'm booked up!

    Brian, you're like me, you've got your riding quota in for the year.
    Your ride to Mena was yours, and mine was the ride Bill commented on
    with the Red-Shad group, and of course the Local Toy for Tots ride this
    past weekend, along with 315 motorcylist!
    We're so good, we dont need them long rides,like Red-Shad, Bill, and
    louigee. Theyre still practicing.--chuckle--
    BJayKana, Dec 12, 2006
  18. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Gotta do something to get those cowboys off my mind. How 'bout dem

    Aint that the truth? Wow, the Boyz got their asses kicked.
    Louie, I dont know about you, but very, very few times, have I seen, any
    team, take a Knee down, one minute before the ''4th quarter 2 minute''
    warning, like the Saints did.
    No doubt Coach Peyton, felt sorry for his former boss, Parcels.
    My paper this morning said, that Peyton must have still had a Cowboy
    play book, how else could he have known what Parcells was going to do on
    ''every situation.'' It sure appeared that way, because they shut
    ''Romo'' out.
    QB Romo, probably cried after the game,

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Dec 12, 2006
  19. louie

    louie Guest

    The talk is always how such and such learned under Parcells. I think they do
    learn, learn what not to do. Then when they play the Cowboys they just don't
    do what they shouldn't do. Unlike Parcells who does things that don't work.
    Romo wasn't 'shut out', they did score 17, right. If Saints had scored 16
    the Cowboys would have won. The defenses job is to limit the points scored
    by the other team. Defense did not do too good, proof is that Saints scored
    more than reasonable.
    He wasn't alone, most likely.
    Have you seen the sketch of the proposed new stadium for the Cowboys?
    FtWorth StarTelegram has such at www.dfw.com

    louie, Dec 12, 2006
  20. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Bjay--Romo wasn't 'shut out', they did score 17, right. If Saints had
    scored 16 the Cowboys would have won. The defenses job is to limit the
    points scored by the other team. Defense did not do too good, proof is
    that Saints scored more than reasonable.

    Yeah but the saints scored almost three times that.
    Romo was =shut= down, I should have said. He only threw for one TD to
    T.O. The other scores were by Jones on the second snap in the first
    minute of possesion, for 77 yards for a TD.
    And the field goal, of course.
    Otherwise they had absolutely no offensiveness going on.
    Consequently Romo was shut down, by the fantastic Saints defense, and
    the lack of his own offensive line.
    He was limited to one 3rd down conversion, in nine attempts.
    Yeah, I saw that sketch of the new stadium, well, it's been 40 years,
    about time, I guess. bj

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Dec 12, 2006
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