Will there be a Saturday Ride??

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Saturday is supposed to be nice....where we going? Texarkana, Houston,
    Hico, Virginia....WTF

    redshad, Jan 30, 2008
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  2. redshad

    louie Guest

    A Saturday ride - a good idea. How bout that route, or some of it, You,
    Acorn, Big Ed, and I did. I think FM51 off of 67, then we ate a hamburger at
    Bluffdale. Or how about ________?

    louie, Jan 30, 2008
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  3. redshad

    redshad Guest

    That sounds like a winner to me......What about Thursday and
    Friday......we need to get in a practice run somewhere.....

    redshad, Jan 30, 2008
  4. redshad

    Mr. JayT Guest

    yall should ''wind/wound'' your ride around to include Jefferson?
    We're riding for the Madi Gras. It is early this year, usually it's
    around Feb 7-9th. We'' arrive there about 1100 am.....
    ------But---now----We park and walk around,till the Madi Gras Pagan
    Parade starts at 130, and then we jump all over people , including
    children, and little ole' ladies.''trying to catch'' them two-bit
    purple/while/red witch craft ''beads'', that those folks in funny
    costumes throw by the dozens. from them weird looking floats.....

    -- We hang out, look and shop, and bullshit, then come home around

    ------reason I say ------But-------is ''that'' normally,you guys
    ''Ride'', ya'll dont like to walk, and pittle around, I don't think

    --However, yall could scoot through Jefferson, call me, and then

    --Hail, I dont know what I'm talkin' about.
    Mr. JayT, Jan 31, 2008
  5. redshad

    Brian Walker Guest

    Ooh, I'm thinking we might need to pass on that ride. See, you sold
    your Goldwing with the nifty GPS built in. If we do that ride again,
    we'll have to go GPSless....and we'd have to get a road map to get
    back to the burger joint so you can ask the girl there for directions
    of where we want to go....

    But, if you're willing then I'm game!
    Brian Walker, Jan 31, 2008
  6. redshad

    louie Guest

    Ooh, I'm thinking we might need to pass on that ride. See, you sold
    your Goldwing with the nifty GPS built in. If we do that ride again,
    we'll have to go GPSless....and we'd have to get a road map to get
    back to the burger joint so you can ask the girl there for directions
    of where we want to go....

    But, if you're willing then I'm game!


    That girl tried to override the GPS and the plan by dishing out directions
    instead of fries....that's the one.
    If we stop there again I'm going to tell her I live in Bluffdale and don't
    like to leave home; cheeseburger pls.

    louie, Feb 1, 2008
  7. redshad

    Brian Walker Guest

    If we stop there, I'm going to tell her you sold your GPS, you're
    lost, and you don't have a clue where you're at or where you're going.
    Then she'll be more than happy to tell you where you don't want to go
    and where you do.

    Seems reasonable :)
    Brian Walker, Feb 2, 2008
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