why new laws to "block convoys of cars.."??

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by alx, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. alx

    alx Guest

    Why are the police pussy-footing around? If in NSW the authority figures
    already have the powers to pull over a convoy of motorcycles and:
    a) breath test
    b) noise test

    and generally detain at their leisure for hours then why do they have
    difficulty with hauling over a few cars late at night?

    Do they think that each convoy has a bevy of lawyers and civil libertarians
    travelling with it?

    What a bunch of amateurs! Go talk to EPA and Northern Command re: dealing
    with those hoodlums on motorcycles.




    Under the new laws police will be able to:


    * BLOCK convoys of cars heading to specific locations


    I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
    alx, Dec 13, 2005
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