why my leg smells of petrol

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by barb, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. barb

    barb Guest

    ....and why San Diegans are sometimes okay.

    Went to my folks' house to drop off some awesome, fresh caught sand bass
    I got yesterday. When I was leaving their house, halfway down the hill
    they live on, I felt my left leg was damp. Ooh. Gas.

    Turned the tank off and putted back up the hill, where I cut the split
    plastic line that goes from the tank to the fuel filter. That seemed to
    work. Just north of Washington street on I-5, the line split again.
    It was dark. Traffic was crazy. I put the blinkers on and watched cars
    nearly hit my bike. Break in traffic, I pushed the bike to the edge of
    the offramp to Washington street. It was dark. I got my flashlight out
    of my saddlebag. Hmph. No juice. Note to self, buy more batteries.

    A nice couple pulled up behind me. They'd seen me at the off ramp,
    exited, and drove around again to help. Guy had a knife and a light, so
    I rummaged through my panniers and found the spare fuel line I always
    carry. Cop showed up about then, and asked if I needed a tow truck. I
    waved the fuel line at him and said, "No, I just need to get this old
    split plastic line off my fuel filter." He whipped out a knife and cut
    the old tubing away. I hooked up the filter to the new tubing, fired up
    the bike, and all was copacetic. Thanked the couple and the cop who
    stopped for me, redonned my DOT approved helmet and took the Washington
    street off ramp, getting back on the freeway that way rather than try to
    pull out into traffic. Police officer advised that I do that, and I agreed.

    People here can be nice. The police can be your friend. I'm really glad
    I carry extra parts in my bags.

    My left leg still smells like gas. But I like it.
    Chaplain, ARSCCwdne

    buy my book!

    read my page! (thanks, R. Hill!)

    visit my store!
    barb, Nov 11, 2007
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  2. barb wrote:

    I like gasoline's aroma, too. It reminds of my earliest motorcycle
    experience with my older brother's Triumph Boneville (A T120TT!) in
    the '60's. Its Amal carbs' "ticklers" meant every cold start was
    accompanied by the release of a few drops of fuel.
    Michael R. Kesti, Nov 11, 2007
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  3. barb

    Rich Guest

    At $96/bbl, think of it as perfume.

    Glad you had such a helpful LEO and good Samaritans. Sometimes it's the
    unlikeliest people who prove the most helpful.

    Rich, Urban Biker
    Rich, Nov 11, 2007
  4. Where can I buy gasoline at $96 per barrel. $96 for 42 gallons would be
    a bargain at about $2.286 per gallon.

    Michael R. Kesti, Nov 11, 2007
  5. barb

    ~ Guest

    You don't get 42 gallons of gasoline out of a barrel of crude, not
    even light sweet crude,
    which has a disproportionately large amount of these fractions that
    are used to make gasoline, kerosene, and high-quality diesel.
    ~, Nov 11, 2007
  6. barb

    ~ Guest

    As I understand, $96/bbl is a futures price, not all crude in storage
    in the USA
    was bought for that price.

    But how do futures price affect the immediate price of gasoline?
    ~, Nov 11, 2007
  7. barb

    ~ Guest

    Don't you ever shower?
    ~, Nov 11, 2007
  8. Yes, and that was my point!
    Michael R. Kesti, Nov 11, 2007
  9. barb

    barb Guest

    Of course. But I ain't gonna wash a clean pair of jeans just because I
    got gasoline on them! 'Sides, it smells better than White Shoulders, or
    Opium. Or that perfume that smells like carnations.
    Who the hell wants to smell like carnations? BLEAH!

    Chaplain, ARSCCwdne

    buy my book!

    read my page! (thanks, R. Hill!)

    visit my store!
    barb, Nov 12, 2007
  10. barb

    ~ Guest

    How about jasmine? Do you like jasmine? Or coconut?

    A lot of women smell to me like they never shower, like they just
    cover up the funky smell with perfume. I can smell them five feet
    ~, Nov 13, 2007
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