Why do they do it?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by ShadowHawk, May 28, 2004.

  1. ShadowHawk

    ShadowHawk Guest

    Fantastic day for a ride today (at least it was this a.m. before the mass
    exodus from the city for the weekend...)

    On the way back to Richardson today from Terrell around the noon hour... I
    had just exited Hwy 80 onto I-635 North... I saw 3 other bikes in the far
    left lane.. 2 sport-bikes, and what looked to be an older metric cruiser...
    Going along at a pretty good pace (read between the lines as
    easily 85+Mph - but was only slightly faster than the traffic flow)... Both
    sport-bikes commenced to wheelie at the same time.. Just as they were
    passing a Mesquite LEO who had a pickup truck pulled over in the left

    The cop says something to the driver of the truck and RUNS at full speed
    back to his car to give chase... Needless to say, the 3 bikes scattered on
    the highway, mixing it up in & out of the lunch-hour traffic... The cop
    gets one of the sport-bikes pulled over - finally into Garland... the other
    two had disappeared... Go figure...

    Rex S.
    '82 Maxim XJ650
    ShadowHawk, May 28, 2004
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  2. ShadowHawk

    ShadowHawk Guest

    Well, flow of traffic was still on the high side of 75 Mph, so I'd
    still call 85 as being slightly faster than the flow... it was still too
    early in the lunch hour to bring it down to 65 or less...

    Rex S.
    ShadowHawk, May 28, 2004
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  3. ShadowHawk

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO. don't know much about "Turnips"..Is your "reaction" to this incident
    similar to your reaction to the Harley rider who got the head injury...
    Damn.. Trash.where did you get the idea, that you are any judge ? You didn't
    see the incident nor the guys on the motorcycles.. Why they do stunts on a
    freeway is mysterious to me, also.. But.. that isn't for me to decide.. nor
    YOU.. For that matter... you haven't explained to anyone "why you sent me an
    e-mail to the effect that I molested my son when he was little".. Maybe you
    need to pray on that one.. "Group Hug" you Trashy Bastard..
    Bill Walker, May 28, 2004
  4. ShadowHawk

    Bownse Guest

    Right time of day, 635 can be clipping along around 80 in some places.
    Bownse, May 28, 2004
  5. ShadowHawk

    Bill Walker Guest

    How the hell would you know..? "You don't DO Dallas, remember"... hmmm... Do
    you even "DO Ft.Worth" ??
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  6. ShadowHawk

    fullstate Guest

    I'm not sure that most people realize that as soon as you run from a
    cop, it's a felony. No longer a ticket, no longer going to traffic
    safety school, it's a felony. Not worth it.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, May 30, 2004
  7. ShadowHawk

    Bownse Guest

    Technically, if they had passed and were gone before he got back to his
    car, then they weren't running from him.
    Bownse, May 30, 2004
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