Why do the innocent parties come off worse?!?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by !Speedy Gonzales!, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. !Speedy Gonzales!

    darsy Guest

    I got a 6.
    darsy, Dec 10, 2004
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  2. !Speedy Gonzales!

    Wizard Guest

    Dunno. I Am Not A Statistician. But I was told about the reason
    for strongly Agree/Agree etc choices by someone in an HR-ish
    function who was responsible for responding to a morale survey
    done in that manner.

    <8P Wizard
    Suzuki GS550 "I like that. Nicely shite" - TOG
    Golf GTi 16v
    ANORAK#17b BOMB#19 BOTAFOT#138 BREast#5 COFF#24
    COSOC#8 DFV#11 STG#1
    Remove location from email address to reply
    Wizard, Dec 10, 2004
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  3. !Speedy Gonzales!

    porl Guest

    Isn't it more likely it's got more to do with how you'd LIKE to see
    yourself? Look at Des, he lives in a make believe-world where he is a king
    of empathy and reason when it's obviously not so. I'm sure if it was that
    easy to be objective about ourselves we'd be different people.
    porl, Dec 10, 2004
  4. It just goes to show how flawed the test is. I am le grand party
    animeaux and loved by all - so how can my score be so wrong unless the
    test is wrong?
    Simon Atkinson, Dec 10, 2004
  5. That's a possibility - although I am struggling a little with why so
    many of us want to think of ourselves as the rainman.
    Simon Atkinson, Dec 10, 2004
  6. !Speedy Gonzales!

    porl Guest

    I thought Ginge was striving heroically for that title.
    porl, Dec 10, 2004
  7. He's a natural for it /and/ hasn't got any friends. I was talking
    about real proper people. Me for example.
    Simon Atkinson, Dec 10, 2004
  8. Did you say something?
    genuine_froggie, Dec 10, 2004
  9. !Speedy Gonzales!

    darsy Guest

    do I look like I give a ****?
    darsy, Dec 10, 2004
  10. !Speedy Gonzales!

    platypus Guest

    A corner of a Derbyshire pub carpark that is forever deafened.
    platypus, Dec 10, 2004
  11. !Speedy Gonzales!

    Lady Nina Guest

    to those who would have been his friends he gave his earplugs.
    Lady Nina, Dec 10, 2004
  12. That's just down to your cache failing.
    Simon Atkinson, Dec 10, 2004
  13. !Speedy Gonzales!

    rb Guest

    I got 8 twice but I'm not stupid enough to try it again!
    rb, Dec 12, 2004
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