Why buy this?

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by The Older Gentleman, May 26, 2008.

  1. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160240357639

    Contrary to what the seller says, the Dave Silver seat at £145+VAT is
    actually OE. The pattern ones are £85+VAT (and pretty crap).

    So some dork has paid £160 for a seat with a tear in it, plus £20
    postage. £180 all told.

    Price for a new one from Dave Silver: £170.38 + £5.85 p&p (I've just
    checked on the website. £176.23.
    The thickness of some Ebayers makes me wish they'd all bd on my stuff
    from time to time.
    The Older Gentleman, May 26, 2008
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  2. The Older Gentleman

    platypus Guest

    platypus, May 26, 2008
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  3. Sale of Goods Act: misdescription.
    The Older Gentleman, May 26, 2008
  4. The Older Gentleman

    platypus Guest

    The defamation occurs when he inaccurately slags off the Dave Silver
    platypus, May 26, 2008
  5. Er, yes, I know.
    The Older Gentleman, May 27, 2008
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