Who's meeting where?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    It's supposed to be somewhat warmer tomorrow and the gas prices are
    down. With the gas prices down, I was able to spend a couple extra
    dollars in my pocket on some new grips. I've got them installed and
    now the Hurricane looks like it actually wants to ride somewhere.

    Who's meeting where for the ride to Britain's Mudslide and meet with
    Jerry to see his new Suzuki Bandit?
    Brian Walker, Jan 26, 2008
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  2. Brian Walker

    Ed Hart Guest

    Hey Redfish?I will meet ya at the last place when we went to east texas and
    you sunk your bike.That restaurant at 175 and beltline.About 730 and we can
    have a quick breakfast before we hit the road.
    Ed Hart, Jan 26, 2008
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  3. Brian Walker

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Brian in part said this: ''------and meet with Jerry to see his new
    Suzuki Bandit?----''

    =====Brian, March, he want get it till March, when the winds starts
    blowing up there in da' Houston area.......hardyharhar.
    Mr. JayT, Jan 26, 2008
  4. Brian Walker

    Jerry Guest

    Jerry has the flu or something and wont make it out of the house. Maybe next
    Jerry, Jan 26, 2008
  5. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's part of the deal to buy a new motorcycle...been there!

    If he gets those honey-do's done by next weekend, he'll be over that
    flu or something. jajajaja
    Brian Walker, Jan 27, 2008
  6. Brian Walker

    Jerry Guest

    That's part of the deal to buy a new motorcycle...been there!

    If he gets those honey-do's done by next weekend, he'll be over that
    flu or something. jajajaja

    yeah, had to cut a couple of deals at the house for sure.
    Jerry, Jan 27, 2008
  7. Brian Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    ''priorties, buddy, priorties.....................hehe Mr>jayT.
    bj_kana, Jan 27, 2008
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