Gotta love it.. The crew commenced to talk up a little gathering today.. Bright and early.. hmmm.. At least, about seven or so this morning.. The Twin Peaks thing was decided on and all the GPS deals were focused in and away we go.. Bill Cattell coming in from Flower Mound, Brian and Big Ed, already in Mesquite.. RedShad from Arlington, Wakko over in Rowlett.. And, Louie was running in, all the way from Ft.Worth.. Of course, I was running straight in from Irving.. As it turned out, everyone had their GPS set on a different location than mine was zeroed in on.. Hell, I went to the restaurant .. no one but me and the help were there.. Turned out they were all gathered at the Town East shop- ping center parking lot and waiting for me.. I've got to adjust this GPS thing of mine, to co-ordinate the roundabout stuff.. It sure was nice to see the bunch.. After his near brush, Bill C. was looking good and was in good spirits, considering.. Well, he should be.. that new ride of his, is nice.. That thing might as well be a new one.. it's fresh as a new born kitten.. Wakko didn't bring the Mouse with him and I missed visiting with that fine lady.. This little run together was all guys.. By the time the rest of them got on board, I'd already made friends with one of the cutest little servers in the place and she and I were shar- ing some intimate stories, when the compadres showed up.. I don't know why that is important, but just thought I'd share.. Hell the old charm still works on some of these nice ladies.. Somebody looked outside and it was getting dark as pitch out- side.. Helluva cloud coming in on us.. The party started breaking up and everyone was making a break for the house before the bottom fell out.. Fortunately for me, Bill C. decided to run through Dallas with me to take IH 35 north to Flower Mound.. We'd pulled away from the Twin Peaks joint, just a little way and it commenced to rain on us.. Got pretty intense for a while and by the time we got on the freeway, it was coming down pretty hard.. We rode it off and on, all the way to downtown Dallas and just as we were coming into the interchanges, that pavement got slick as grease.. The Green Vulcan commenced to fishtail and get all goosey.. Luckily, we'd slowed down with the traffic and not nearly running speed.. The Green One had obviously had all that shit it wanted and that sumbitch did a number on me.. The rear end was trying to catch the front end on a couple of those fishtail acrobatics .. There were a couple of options for me and neither of them were appealing.. The rear ends of that traffic in front of me didn't look good at all.. they were all brak- ing.. The traffic behind me was closing fast and the retaining walls and median barriers have been there for a long time so I didn't think they'd move or be flexible.. The Green Vulcan went down on the right side and I knew it wasn't going to be pretty, when it was all over.. There is quite a bit of cosmetic damage to the Green One, and I came out of it with a couple of scrapes.. Someone had already called 911, almost by the time I hit the pavement, I think.. First on the scene was the ambulance and then they ran in with a freaking fire truck that looked half a mile long.. There must have been five patrol cars show up, all of them with their lights on.. two officers per car.. Damn.. me and that Green Vulcan haven't caused that much excitement since the bank robbery.. That's what I call a big "Whoops" and one helluva tank slap- er.. The upside was.. after we got it all sorted out, I rode the Green One away from the scene and headed for LaCasa.. The other part of the upside.. replace some of the damaged parts and a few days for the scrapes to heal.. me and the Green Vulcan will be out and about.. Ride safe people.. Bill Walker