[QUOTE="Bear"] Most number of riders passed-and-pissed-off. If we're doing self-criticism, let's have "if you could choose *one* (and only one!) thing about your riding, what would you change?" I'll start: I'd like to target fixate less in moments of high stress/danger. When I can plan things in my own time I'm generally fine, although I'm happy to confess I'm not "tidy" in the classical sense, but when something untoward happens fast, and I'm under threat, I tend to try several different things first, before arriving at a plan of action. One of these days it's going to hurt me. I should just plan an escape action, look there, and go.[/QUOTE] I'm sure there are more sensible riding issues for me to worry about but one of my major problems is whatever it is that stops me winding the throttle on and going faster. I've learnt a load of CSS[1] techniques that I *know* I use and that I *know* mean I can safely go faster - it's just that my brain says "slow down, you're going to end up in the ditch". Having gone a year without riding a bike I'm really looking forward to seeing whether my riding has been affected. I'm hoping I've remembered the skills but forgotten the 'ills', IYSWIM, and my riding will flourish! [1] no, not Cascading Style Sheets, the other CSS