While the Cat's Away

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    We left the DFW area to make the trip to Austin last Saturday.. From that
    time till Tuesday, my computer sat idle and was filled with useless and
    meaningless trivia while I was away.. Most went unread and just bypassed..

    Remarkably.. while in Austin, I learned that I've been catching hell from at
    least one well meaning poster, somewhere on the East Coast.. The motorcycle
    group on Yahoo has been his forum to complain against Bill Walker and my
    association with TMRA 2..

    Quite noticeably, this poster who commenced the "complaints" thread on
    Yahoo, called himself "Outrider 3500" later identifying himself as "Corey
    Standish".. Also noticeably, Mr. Standish had few of the details correct in
    his "complaint" posts.. I have never been a spokesman for TMRA 2 nor anyone
    other than Bill Walker.. I am a member of TMRA 2, nothing more.. and have
    gone to great lengths to make that point perfectly clear As a TMRA 2
    member, I have honest and clear opinions, with no reservations about stating
    them in public and on usenet.. My views are well known to anyone who knows
    me.. TMRA 2, the Chairman nor any of the District Advisors have ever
    attempted to repress any member of that organization from expressing himself
    in any forum.. That is one of the greatest complements of TMRA 2.. No member
    should be hesitant to express himself ..

    For whatever the motives and agendas, there have been some criticism of me
    and TMRA 2 in this forum.. The idea that TMRA 2 has attempted to take credit
    for things which they've had no part of is laughable and ridiculous.. The
    Confedration of Clubs in Texas and TMRA 2 traveled to Austin to oppose or
    support five Bills and Amendments to the Legislators.. The State Income Tax
    proposal was not one of those Bills.. I'm reasonably sure that some of those
    5,000 to 7,000 Warriors would probably express their disapproval during
    their visits with their Representatives..

    The critics of TMRA 2 should be aware that this organization address issues
    which affect every taxpayer and voter in Texas, whether they ride a
    motorcycle or not.. TMRA 2 is a one of a kind organization that is needed to
    inform the public, as well as support and oppose legislation that affect us
    all.. Again. I don't speak for TMRA 2 or claim affiliation other than, as
    a member..

    My support for TMRA 2 dates back a number of years..My own membership dates
    back three years.. I attended a number of Chapter and State meetings before
    I became a member..

    It should be of interest to note, while I was in Austin.. several people
    came to me, after I was pointed out to them.. They identified themselves as
    participants in this newsgroup. They shook hands with me and expressed their
    respects for TMRA 2 and the efforts they saw in Austin, during Legislative

    Those are the ones who make this newsgroup what it is.. not the pitiful
    complainers and whiners whose only contributions are to criticize. They are
    the ones who make it worth my while, to participate in this newsgroup..

    The inflammatory e-mails and posts on this newsgroup have been responded
    to.. by everyone but me. I will continue to post my usual offerings and
    opinions.. I'm perfectly willing to step aside when the ones' who object to
    me most, are willing to step forward and assume a positive approach to a
    better government and the freedoms which I cherish.. Regards to All..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 28, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm not sure what her name is, but there's a woman who I met in Elgin back
    in November and then again over this past weekend who's trying to also get a
    San Antonio district going again. I guess after Kent fell out of sight, it
    must've died down there. Everytime I've seen her, I've heard her talking
    about needing to get with you and work on getting that going again. If you
    want some more information on it, Elmer might be able to tell you who she
    is....or maybe Mike. I know that Sputnik knows her and will know what I'm
    talking about.

    Sorry, but that's all the info I have on her. I just heard your name being
    brought up by her and her saying she was trying to get with you but hasn't
    ran into you...yet.
    That's something I'd like to get ahold of. I downloaded the file, but if
    there's more to it than what was downloaded, I'd like to see it.
    Brian Walker, Jan 28, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    If you notice, I cut off your statement to make it more accurate.

    You're welcome!
    Brian Walker, Jan 28, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Can you post it here to tx.moto?

    Do you still have those instructions on how to do it that Johnny Moron gave
    Brian Walker, Jan 29, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    From your own personal experience, you should know that "costing people
    their accounts" isn't as easy as you make it out to be..huh ?? LMAO

    Real "wizard" huh.. tidybowl.. ??
    Bill Walker, Jan 29, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO... this one showed up on tx.motorcycles just a short time ago.. during
    one of the fantastic "flame wars" that the crew from Reeky is famous for..
    He has no idea why his little observations about "costing your account" is
    so funny..

    Matter of fact, along with the usual threats of "killfiling someone" ..
    Calling ISP's .. etc. etc. this one is suspected of sending e-mails and such
    to motorcycle advocate groups to discredit another poster.. Typical usenet

    Since I am not considered to be amongst the most computer literate amongst
    us, not knowing how to crosspost and such, I suscribed to the Reeky group..
    I then appointed myself to Sheriff on that newsgroup and commenced to
    restore law and order amongst the unruly ones .. Within one week, I promoted
    myself to High Sheriff and later that same week, I self appointed myself as
    the Illustrious High Sheriff.. During the third week of dutifully
    maintaining my duties in that capacity, peace and harmony was restored to
    the group..

    Many who'd not been on speaking terms for years, became buddies and all have
    enjoyed the fruits of my labor..

    This Geeky Rider poster is so anonymous, that he/she doesn't know who or
    where it is.. Regards..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 29, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    Before you start placing the blame at the feet of Geeky, do some
    research of posts to both T.M. and R.M over the past month and see just
    what precipitated it. Shitbird might not have been a name I would have
    selected for someone, but the catalyst for its use was not Geeky. The
    Talkers are smack dab in the middle of every conflict; even when it's
    someone they used to call "friend". The only common denominator in all
    cases (consistently and without fail) are the Talkers. But that can
    happen when you get all grizzled from throwing your bike down every few
    Bownse, Jan 30, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I didn't forget to "anything".. sport.. I referred to the posts that were
    made to other groups "Bill Walker Complaints".. I was also referring to
    e-mails that were sent to various people in Texas.. LOL.. Verizon has
    informed me that some of their "abuse report" lines people are still
    laughing about some of the calls being reported to them..

    Sheesh.. I cast a long shadow, huh ?
    Why do you post behind an alias.. ?? I suspect that you are right,
    Bill Walker, Jan 30, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Me thinks he's just too stoopid to understand the humor behind what I said.

    Besides, I'm still waiting on Johnny Moron to collect my fees from you. As
    long as you're sickly and all, it might be a good time to go "collectin'"?
    Brian Walker, Jan 31, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nah, I want to see the "good quality" one....80 megs should be okay!
    Brian Walker, Jan 31, 2005
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