while im at it, anudda question - on topic too

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by corks, May 15, 2005.

  1. corks

    corks Guest

    whats in involved in getting a bike sent over from one state to another
    state and rego'ed assuming bike is brand new
    corks, May 15, 2005
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  2. In aus.motorcycles on Sun, 15 May 2005 17:09:14 +0800

    Whatever the destination state says it is.

    (yes, this does mean you have to think about what you ask)

    Zebee Johnstone, May 15, 2005
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  3. corks

    corks Guest

    aaaawww crap ZB,

    i just wanted the answer handed to me on a silver platter

    somehow i feel like i've just be told off by my mum

    how about generally whats the go, if the bike has oz compliance im guessing
    there not much diff between the states in regards getting it rego's other
    the amount of wallet raping
    corks, May 15, 2005
  4. corks

    J5 Guest

    yep you will need to have it inspected most likely and verify the
    vin/eng/speedo and that it is roadworthy

    then you bend over at your appropriate dept of roads
    J5, May 15, 2005
  5. corks

    Mad-Biker Guest

    in new south, you need a blue slip for all 2nd hand bikes,
    I assume it no different for a new bike you brought from another state, blue
    slip only costs a few bucks more.. so I don't think it will cost any

    same deal when I got bikes from vic and qld and had em registered. although
    all 2nd hand but near new..
    Mad-Biker, May 15, 2005
  6. corks

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Trucks are the normal method of conveyance of goods. For the other bit ask a

    Theo Bekkers, May 16, 2005
  7. corks

    Mick Guest

    tell the vendor to cancel the rego on bike, he will get a refund for
    unused portion (can be used as a haggle option), then you just
    reregister in your state of residence,make sure you have bill of sale
    and vin for your new rego.
    Mick Chester
    Mick, May 16, 2005
  8. corks

    smack Guest

    I enquired about this with a new car bought in NSW and regoed in Tas. Even
    tho the car was brand new, it would need to be inspected in Tas. A whole $23
    from memory. I could get permits to drive it from NSW to Hobart no problem.
    Don't know about WA. Ring the appropriate department and ask them.

    smack, May 17, 2005
  9. corks

    corks Guest

    yeah i got off my bum and checked after listen ing to the DPI music for a

    need a temp permit $14.65 need to go over the pits $53.80, plus about $150
    rego costs
    corks, May 17, 2005
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