This is the big weekend here in the States and no, I don't mean the Daytona 500. I'm talking about the Indy AMA board meeting, where, if the rumors are half-way accurate, a decision will be made on who, or what will be the new owners of a major chunk of 2 wheeled racing in the US of A. The players involved are numerous, as well as diverse, but to me the 800lb gorilla is Edmunson. Sure, there's other folks who'd like to run the show and would, more than likely, do so fairly well, but with Grand AM already having Moto-ST up and running (pretty well too) it's hard not to see him taking the whole ball of wax, especially so given his associate's long reach and depth of pockets. What it all means remains to be seen, but one things for absolute sure, things are going to change. Stay tuned...