Which course?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Diogenes, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Thanks very much for the apple and the GOF award George
    George W Frost, Sep 12, 2011
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  2. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    I wouldn't be surprised if there was even older farts in this group
    than the guy who goes by the alias George W Frost.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 12, 2011
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  3. Diogenes

    Moike Guest

    Don't look at me like that. I only hang about here because it's one of
    the few remaining places in the Universe where I'm not one of the
    *really* old folk.

    (The other is the Great Victorian Bike ride, so I've signed on for
    another jaunt...)

    Moike, Sep 12, 2011
  4. Are you pushing it up there or taking it on the back of the 4X4?
    George W Frost, Sep 13, 2011
  5. Well Gerry, there we have a spiteful message about aliases,
    from one who uses more aliases than anyone else on the group
    Is that called deja vu ?
    Get fucked Gerry,
    or whatever you are calling yourself this week
    George W Frost, Sep 13, 2011
  6. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Where's the spitefulness is pointing out you use an alias?

    Surely you're not trying to fool people into thinking that's your real
    name, are you? Geez, George...

    Anyway... when will you take me up on my offer to meet you in Melbum
    for a beer and to sight your Vietnam vet credentials. I'll bring mine
    too and we can play "I'll show you mine if you show me
    yours." Waddya say, George... then we can finally put it to rest, eh.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 13, 2011

  7. Read what you wrote Gerry

    Get fucked Gerry

    Gerry, if you are as bright as you claim to be, then you will have all
    previous messages from this group stashed away on your computer or wherever
    you may stash such stuff, then look through the lot of them and try and find
    where I have categorically stated that the alias I use is my real name
    The alias I use is not used for an illegal activity, but as an alternative
    name so that I would not get idiotic messages sent to me from crazy
    unpatriotic individuals
    You can only surmise as to who and what I am referring to.
    The subject of aliases brings to mind names used here, such as
    and thousands of others, some of who use a legal email address,
    whereas some prefer to remain hidden in organizations such as

    Get fucked Gerry

    cut and paste and repeat what you have said previously as much as you like
    Gerry, but as I said in a reply not too long ago, I would not want to meet
    you for a drinky-poo or whatever, you are a crazy fanatical ratbag and I
    would not want to degrade mnyself to have been seen associating with you

    Get fucked Gerry

    Why in all hells name would you want to see my credentials when you
    allegedly, threw away medals given to you for the 9 weeks you allegedly
    spent in Vietnam
    You therefore deny any acknowledgment of your alleged time in the 9th RAR by
    doing that and in doing so, you have no right whatsoever in demanding
    "credentials " from any other person
    You have no standing in any community.
    How many other people who have worked for an organization, done their time,
    or been sacked, then go out on a 45 year vigil outlandishly claiming the
    organizations ideals is wrong?
    Only one that I know of.....or do you know of another Gerry ??

    Get fucked Gerry
    George W Frost, Sep 13, 2011
  8. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    I did. What's your problem, George?
    Oooer... sounds a bit spiteful, George...
    I sure as shit am...
    So what's your problem with what I said, George?
    You seem to be kneejerking all over the place because I mentiond the
    fact that you're using an alias. Next, I suppose, you'll be
    kneejerking if I say the sun rises in the east.

    Where did I say, or imply, that using an alias is bad or wrong,
    Oooer... sounds a bit spiteful, George...
    Gee, George, and there I was trying to find a way of resolving our
    Is that any more crazy or fanatical than going to a far off Asian
    country and shooting he shit out of peole whose ideolgy I don't agree
    OK, we could meet where no one can see us, if you like... I didn't
    know you were into trysts... but hey, what the heck... I'm game if
    you are... But I'd insist on someone like Moike being there to
    chaperone us.
    Oooer... sounds a bit spiteful, George...
    I didn't throw them away, George. I returned them to John Howard PM,
    via Senator Kerry Nettle. John even had his department send me a nice
    letter telling me that they're being kept in the Australian War
    Memorial for me should I ever want to reclaim them.
    More like 4.86 months approx, actually. But tell me, George, is it a
    crime to be medivac'd out early? You seem to be having a problem with
    Never in your wildest delusions is that even remotely true, George.
    In fact my name is in the 9RAR book of their tour of Vietnam. Also
    there is a book called Vietnam Remebered, and it too list me. and
    then there's the online record those who served in Vietnam, my name is
    there too. So I guess that means my time in 9RAR/Vietnam is well and
    truly acknowledged, George.

    Where can I see your tour of Vietnam acknowledged, George? In AATTV
    were you, George? BULLSHIT !!!
    I'm not demanding, George, I'm requesting.

    I have the right to request to see the credentials of someone who has
    made dodgy comments about their alleged time in Vietnam, surely.

    And you have the right to keep hiding behind an alias so that we can't
    check your veteran's bona fides, "George".

    To protect your right to anomimity here in the group as a whole, I'd
    even be happy to accept that you were a member of the AATTV if one,
    JUST ONE, verifiable member of the AATTV popped in here with a genuine
    email address and vouched for you.

    Till then, given the doubts your ignorant comments about your alleged
    tour of Vietnam have raised in my mind, I'll keep believing that
    you're an imposter, "George".
    Oh, I wouldn't go so far as to say that, George. Only the other day,
    a woman (an ex-member of the Australian Ballet Company, IIRC) came up
    to me in the shopping centre and told me how much she liked my letters
    to the editor of the local paper. Till then I had no idea that she
    even knew who I was. A very nice lady she is too.
    I think you might have gone off with the fairies now, George...
    Yep, you're off with he fairies... No doubt about it...

    However, once again, I cordially invite you take me up on my offer to
    meet you in Melbum for a beer and to sight your Vietnam vet
    credentials. I'll bring mine too and we can play "I'll show you mine
    if you show me yours." Waddya say, George... then we can finally put
    it to rest, eh.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 13, 2011
  9. Diogenes

    Moike Guest

    Neither. I'll go up on the bus.

    I've ridden with people on the GVBR old enough to be my parents.

    Moike, Sep 13, 2011
  10. Diogenes

    alx Guest

    geez, why don't You Two just meet for a beer..no expectations or
    demands...you might just fall in love and become AusMoto's first
    Premier Same Sex Couple..

    Or our first double murders.
    alx, Sep 13, 2011
  11. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Bend over, George. ;-)
    Nah, George of the AATTV is a gutless pretender or I'll walk naked
    down Flinders Street.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 13, 2011
  12. Diogenes

    Peter Guest

    Once again Gerry/...... you are displaying a great argument for "it's not
    what you got but what you do with it" and also quality over quantity.

    As above.

    [casts a knowing wink to the audience]

    Onya bike and dftl.
    Peter, Sep 14, 2011
  13. One of my sons usually goes on them, he has done a few along with one which
    was in South Africa
    George W Frost, Sep 14, 2011
  14. Diogenes

    Bill_h Guest

    There you go George, a challenge worth taking :)
    Bill_h, Sep 14, 2011

  15. Bill, you have to be kidding?
    I wouldn't want to see you , Gerry or anyone else walk down the street
    naked down Flinders Street,
    that is, apart from a gorgeous shiela,

    ( wonder if Betty would be interested?)

    then again,

    It may be a way to finally shut him up
    George W Frost, Sep 14, 2011
  16. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    I think I'm pretty safe...


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 14, 2011
  17. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    So you'll come good then?


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 14, 2011
  18. Diogenes

    CrazyCam Guest

    On 09/14/11 8:27 AM, Diogenes wrote:

    Now that is a SERIOUS threat to world order and civilisation, as we know it.

    I'd pay good money not to have to see that!

    CrazyCam, Sep 15, 2011
  19. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    I tend to agree, but I think there's little risk of my having to do

    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 15, 2011
  20. You have got to be the biggest fool on the planet Gerry if you think you are
    so important that when you say anything, everyone must agree to and do what
    you say.
    You have got no right on earth to demand that I show you my credentials when
    you destroyed any credibility when you allegedly threw away your medals
    Now, don't go on about "I didn't throw them away, I sent them to John
    You deserted the Australian people when you disowned the services when you
    did this
    And, you have the gall to state that you attend or have attended the RSL and
    have servicemen as your "friends"
    You are nothing but a little rat Gerry, a slimy little toad who couldn't get
    your own way and now, you have sucked others into believing your ideologies
    "Stand Down" indeed,
    what a joke.
    I will say this again
    I will not, as I do not have to, show you any of my service records, nor do
    I have to tell you where I went or how long I stayed anywhere.
    I do not have to reveal to you or anyone else, what my name is
    I have revealed that I use an alias, but then again, so do the majority here
    You were most likely a kid in short pants playing with your friends behind
    the wood shed when I joined up
    You have no clue.
    Maybe you can stand up on a soapbox in the Domain and spruik off to all
    there and you may get a few nods and agreements, but look at those who go to
    the Domain
    All fucking misfits, and with them, you deserve to be.

    Get fucked Gerry
    then again, you probably were when you went behind the wood shed with your
    little friends.
    Didn't you state in a previous post, "Bend over George"?
    Is that because you happen to be a poo jabber?

    Get fucked Gerry
    George W Frost, Sep 15, 2011
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