Which course?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Diogenes, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Diogenes

    CrazyCam Guest


    Now, about the lunch?

    Wollombi, and I don't care how anyone gets there.

    All we have left is the date...... we might get this sorted before the
    end of this year, with any luck!

    CrazyCam, Sep 11, 2011
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  2. Diogenes

    GWD Guest

    I'll bet a simile that you don't have a clue by four when it comes to
    GWD, Sep 11, 2011
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  3. Diogenes

    CrazyCam Guest

    On 09/11/11 8:22 AM, Diogenes wrote:

    I don't, and, if I did, I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
    I don't know, for fact, but suspect strongly, that HART consistently
    make their money from the Pre-learners and MOST, and the other courses
    are fairly low on their priority to promote.

    CrazyCam, Sep 11, 2011
  4. Diogenes

    GWD Guest

    I'm OK any time, but week days are out for us working stiffs.
    GWD, Sep 11, 2011
  5. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    I have a PhD from UHK, does that count?

    Anyway, when will you take me up on my offer to meet you in Melbum for
    a beer and to sight your Vietnam vet credentials.

    I'll bring mine too and we can play "I'll show you mine if you show me

    Waddya say, George... then we can finally put it to rest, eh.

    [casts a knowing wink to the audience]


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 11, 2011
  6. Diogenes

    Peter Guest

    ....but did you wear a sarong?
    Peter, Sep 11, 2011
  7. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    I'm now inclined to put it off till after 6 Oct when the loved one
    flies out to France for a conference at Versailles (she's *such* a
    snob ;-), leaving me to pine for three weeks. :-(

    Also, George, I surrender that road to he hoons on weekends and the
    pub gets too packed as well, so I'm only willing to consider a trip on
    week days. Sorry to be such a pain. :-(


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 11, 2011
  8. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest



    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 11, 2011
  9. Maybe not then, but by his attitude and persona, he would wear one now
    George W Frost, Sep 11, 2011
  10. Told you before many times Gerry
    I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else now.
    What was then is over, almost on 50 years now, so give it a rest
    Get back to your Yank bashing, you appear to delight in that.
    George W Frost, Sep 11, 2011
  11. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Ask Frost The AATTV who Ted is and get back to me with the answer,


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 11, 2011
  12. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Yes but... when will you take me up on my offer to meet you in Melbum
    for a beer and to sight your Vietnam vet credentials. I'll bring mine
    too and we can play "I'll show you mine if you show me
    yours." Waddya say, George... then we can finally put it to rest, eh.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 11, 2011
  13. What would make you even think that I would want to have a beer with you ?
    You are a loser Gerry and that has been proven by your friends, or should I
    say acquaintances, over in the flight sim group
    George W Frost, Sep 11, 2011
  14. Diogenes

    Boidman Guest

    then **** off and killfile him so this place doesnt end up with 2130948120498203984
    posts of worthless bullshit.
    I say acquaintances, over in the flight sim group
    Boidman, Sep 11, 2011
  15. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Yes but... when will you take me up on my offer to meet you in Melbum
    for a beer and to sight your Vietnam vet credentials. I'll bring mine
    too and we can play "I'll show you mine if you show me
    yours." Waddya say, George... then we can finally put it to rest, eh.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Sep 11, 2011
  16. Diogenes

    Peter Guest

    Are you talking to me again Gerry/.......? :-S

    Peter, Sep 11, 2011
  17. Diogenes

    arathorn357 Guest

    CrazyCam asked:
    You did ask, so now you get one of my Theories of General Application.

    I have thought about what goes wrong with CS School L2 (as reported
    here in many posts) and its this - if a rider has some basic flaws in
    technique, trying to progess on the track to some advanced level by
    getting a series of 15 minute briefings with a pretty self confident
    (read arrogant) instructor is not really going to go well - I know
    they then have group instructors out on the track with your group who
    are supposed to follow you around but in reality they just do a track
    session around you and when you next pit ask you "Well how did that

    And the true answer is pretty crap actually, but nobody says that.

    If you get some time and attention from a good instructor, or even an
    experienced track rider who can communicate well, who SHOWS you what
    you are doing wrong, and then gets you to realise how to correct that,
    and you then reinforce that by doing the correct thing on the road so
    many times as it becomes the norm, then you will have learnt something

    Not all learning is done at warp speed.

    Three examples -

    1. Sit rear wheel in race stand and sit on your bike; assume the
    postion, and let a guru look you over; $5 will get you $10 you will
    have your butt in the wrong postion, your feet esp heels wrong
    relative to the pegs and the all essential grip you need from inside
    your knees / thighs from the tank sides will not be there. That does
    not matter on a cruiser or on my much loved V Strom, but those
    mistakes are really critical in a sports bike on the track where, may
    all the gods bear witness, you do need to know what your doing.

    2. Still on the stand, gut the guru to explain why experienced track
    riders and racers get their butts half off a perfectly good seat and
    put a knee down inside a corner - understanding why this is done is
    the first step in the debate of whether you want to - and in the real
    world being shown that it all starts with getting some grip on the
    side of the tank which is outside the turn (see point 1), and braceing
    that leg and planting that outside foot on that outside peg, gives you
    the confidence to drop a knee into the turn while keeping the bike
    more upright (read stable) than it otherwise would be.

    All this, and we have not yet started the engine grass hopper! - but
    this is one on one stuff - and yes you can share the guru when its not
    your turn - but YOU need this shown to you, not shouted or mumbled to
    a group (or for that matter read in a book where it will not stick).

    3. Witches hats in a car park - have said this before, but having
    someone used to correcting errors watch and after a couple of
    relatively slow speed slaloms round the cones (that you will think you
    are doing fine by the way) and then point out that yes you were
    counter steering (you would not have got round them had you not) but
    then showing where you a leaning / looking / and leering will teach
    you the error of your ways (video might be good for this) will make a
    world of difference both on the road and on the track..

    All of those things need a guru looking at and working with you - and
    this does not really happen to the degree I think its needed (at least
    for me at CS School ).

    And so far as I can see none of the named schools really offer this,
    and imho it is why their value is more limited than it could be.

    Here endeth the TGA.

    best, Andrew
    arathorn357, Sep 12, 2011
  18. In aus.motorcycles on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 16:18:30 -0700 (PDT)
    During level 2 I had individual instruction on the tract, but see
    I did. And I heard others do too.
    The problem with level 2 is that it's mostly about what's in your
    head - it's about what you see and how you internalise that.

    It is difficult to look at someone and know what they are seeing and
    how they are translating what they see.

    The problem I had was that they only had one way of explaining how to
    think about it, and if that didn't work, they had no backup. They
    couldn't correct because they couldn't tell what was going on in my or
    anyone else's head.

    Unlike level 1 which was very much about externals that were easy to
    spot, level 2 is all about how you are thinking, and they require very
    good visual memory, and a particular way of thinking. Not much if
    anything about what's visible externally is involved.

    Zebee Johnstone, Sep 12, 2011
  19. Diogenes

    CrazyCam Guest

    I did ask, and, from your reply, I is your man! :)

    The three specific examples you have given, I can do without putting down
    my beer, so, any time that suits you, I can do those things for you. :)
    Level 2 is, as Zebee says, very much about headology, so, unlike L1, it
    isn't immediately obvious who is "getting it" and who isn't.
    Good positioning on the motorcycle, even in normal road riding, can be
    very important.
    I'm not too sure I understand this bit, tho.

    In the real world, on public roads, getting your knee down, or even
    attempting it, is a complete wank.

    It only has a valid application on the race track, and, even there it
    isn't always the best way to do things.
    Was "leering" a typo? :)

    Yes, I totally agree that slow speed work can highlight basic problems
    in bike handling, and, until you have the basic bike handling right,
    going faster isn't going to help.
    I can understand that.
    Well, yes, but.......

    the amount of money to allow one on one tuition, with a private hire of
    a race track, plus the insurance, would make it a very expensive exercise.

    Even without the race track, it would still be quite a lot of money.

    StayUpright and HART could probably do it, if enough cash was waved at
    them, dunno about CSS, as I think most of their instructors are MA
    qualified, which (AFAIK) isn't sufficient for on road instruction.
    CrazyCam, Sep 12, 2011
  20. Diogenes

    GWD Guest

    Well, so much for my belief that I hold the title of GOF(1).

    We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of our graduation from the
    Australian Army School of Music at Balcombe Army Apprentice School
    next month. In 1961, I was posted to 3RAR, but I was too young to be
    considered for the AATTV. The first contingent didn't leave until late
    1961 for deployment in 1962, but by then I was in hospital with
    pneumonia. When I left hospital, 3RAR considered me unfit for active
    duty, so I was transferred to 1RAR - a most enjoyable posting, I might

    So I must be considerably younger than you, so here, have an apple you
    old fart, you...

    GWD, Sep 12, 2011
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