Where's the Beef ?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I was invited to attend a meeting last nite, by my good friend and his
    lovely wife, Tommy and Glenda Smelser.. For those who don't know them, Tommy
    and Glenda are members of TMRA II and the Democratic Veteran's Group of
    Texas.. It was misting rain when we left Irving, to go to North Dallas.. The
    ol' Green one was left covered in my patio.. LOL.. A few of the current
    candidates for local offices were there and we heard them speak.. All told,
    I believe there were about 40 people in all and the candidates were active
    amongst them since it was mainly a meeting of the leadership for the
    Progressive Democratics in Texas.. Our own Domingo Garcia was there and is
    trying to run, once again.. for a State Representative position.. He has
    chosen two issues, this time.. Utilities costs and insurance premiums.. What
    ? This guy has been elected and sent to Austin twice that I can recall..He
    has never introduced any legislation to address these issues before and now
    he is campaigning on them to solicit votes.. Why the hell didn't he address
    those issues when he was in office before ? When asked about his position on
    the re-districting proposition, which has created so much havoc in our
    state, he first lied and said he was opposed to it.. When confronted with
    the lie, he then changed gears and gave three different excuses for his
    actions..The last one being the "race" card of representing his
    constituents.. I was the one attacking Domingo and I suggested that he had
    betrayed all his constituents while he was in office and continueing to
    betray them as he solicits their votes, now.. I believe I have seen, first
    hand, the reason our two party system is in such disarray, in Texas and our
    Nation.. This group of Democrats is not representative of "my" Democratic
    Party as I have known it these many years.. Embracing a corrupt "wannabe"
    politician is no recommendation for voter support, and especially mine.. If
    Domingo Garcia is the best we can offer for elected office, we don't need to
    win an election.. Having said that, I will furthur state, being a "Yellow
    Dog Democrat", that I would feel like that is exactly what I would feel like
    I was voting for, when I cast a ballot for Domingo Garcia.. If by chance,
    that man wins in the district he is running in, I assure one and all that He
    would be confronted by me, personally, at least weekly.. to make sure that
    he is truly representing his constituents.. Now .. everybody mount up and
    let's go ride, I did my part last night... LOL

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Isn't this the same question I asked several months (October to be
    exact) ago which has since caused quite a stir?
    Brian Walker, Jan 13, 2004
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